@Pascal Baillargeau,
@nikey22, @NOTNICE,
@herrdude and anyone else who has been a key member of the never-ending modifying, testing, and evaluation of the files, workarounds, and procedures on this thread:

Thanks to you guys (and some learning and trial and error on my own) I have brought my 27" mid-2011 i7 iMac fully back to life, including installing a 1 TB SSD, the WX7100, and upgrading it to Mojave. Starting out with High Sierra was key to help get through some of the initial stages of understanding the process. And with the most recent version of the Catalina Loader, it only made things easier when I installed the SSD and upgraded to Mojave a couple of days ago. For under $275, I now have a second functional iMac that rivals the performance of my 2017 iMac (and in some cases beats it!).
I just posted updated Valley scores (70.2, 2938) and they are essentially unchanged from what I saw and posted from my results in High Sierra about a month ago. Geekbench Metal score was 43349 (I see there is a column on the spreadsheet for this, but I couldn't find a way to enter it).
I do have one question about the GPU temperature for any others running a WX7100. In Mojave, with MacsFanControl settings for the GPU heatsink of 32 deg and 49 deg, the GPU heatsink temperature during normal daily use is around 45 degrees with the fan running around 2200 rpm. In High Sierra, with the same fan control settings and usage, the temperature was around 40 degrees. Is there any explanation for this difference in temperature? I am not too concerned about it since 45 degrees should be reasonable for my usage (no gaming). I scanned through the thread, but could not find an answer.