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I found this on ifixit, might help
Code:To make a non-apple provided Nvidia graphics card work in macOS Sierra you need to do the following… Start the computer in safe mode by holding shift. Get your BoardID by running this command in terminal echo "<result>$(ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | awk -F'["|"]' '/board-id/{print $4}')</result>" Open the AppleGraphicsControl Kext using this command sudo nano /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleGraphicsDevicePolicy.kext/Contents/Info.plist Use the arrow keys to go down until you see <key>ConfigMap</key> followed by a bunch of keys and strings. LOOK FOR YOUR BOARD ID… IF IT IS LISTED: Change the string to <string>none</string> IF IT IS NOT LISTED: Add it in the same format as the ones listed. Save the file by pressing Ctrl+O, then enter. Exit by pressing Ctrl+X Rebuild the kernel cache using the following two commands: sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel AND sudo kextcache -system-caches
I am going to save @Ausdauersportler the trouble on this one... Everything you need is either on page 1 or has a link on page 1 that will take you to the needed items which reside in other posts on this thread. This includes all the software you describe.Okay so I flashed the card successfully. I still don't have brightness control... so I read through page 1 again and found the above fix that I need to do?? Is this what will fix it? I'm in safe mode right now, I followed those instructions above to add my board ID to the list... pushed CTRL + O to save and push enter just like it says above but I get "error writing /System/Lib........blabl.../AppleGaphicsControl.kext/Contents/ ]
I'm going to just keep High Sierra for the OS..... There are some other things on the page 1 that seem to be other ways to fix this too? Like installing OpenCore? How do I get OpenCore? Is it opencore vanilla? Google seemed to have tons of different results. And Hackentool? I can't find any of those.
** NVIDIA Quadro K3000M ROM **
Genuine Native Boot Screen & Brightness Control
I experienced this when I upgraded to Mojave. I fixed it by reinstalling the @dosdude1 patches using the patch updater app that is provided with the @dosdude1 Mojave installer. For an unknown reason, the audio patch did not load properly when the initial patch was applied during the done post-install process. A quick re-install of the post-install patches was all it took and my audio was back to normal.
... Now the GPU only works with the 2009 iMac and will not work on the 2011 iMac. When I plug in the GPU into the 2011 iMac, it won’t even power on. It tries to power on for 1-2 seconds then turns off. ...
sudo softwareupdate --install --all
and it should eventually update the firmware on restart when done -- you'll hear a beep and see the old-timey Mac progressbar when the system restarts. I figured it out, it was an older version of opencore that was causing it.Sadly, you need to unplug any other drives. This will force the iMac to boot with the USB drive. You only need to remove the LCD, which takes just a few minutes. Then you can disconnect the hard-drive and SSD. It is not necessary to remove the motherboard, which is a pain in the butt. You can leave the LCD disconnected until you flash successfully the video card. Then you can reconnect the hard-drive, SSD, and finally the LCD. Good luck!
I was Able to make a FaceTime call and a QuickTime Screen Recording. Using a K4100m on B4 with kexts posted above.One observation from testing K4100M in Big Sur: Making Facetime Calls or Recording the Screen in Quicktime both lead to an immediate Kernel Panic. Not sure how to debug this or if it's a Catalina problem, too.
** NVIDIA Quadro K3000M ROM **
Genuine Native Boot Screen & Brightness Control
The following is the UGA equipped rom I put together for:
NVIDIA Quadro K3000M
N12E-Q1-A1, MXM-B (3.0)
Thanks to @Lam Le and @Roman78 for beta testing on their machines.
Tested on a 2011 iMac using High Sierra 10.13.6. Please feel free to test on other MacOS versions, I will update this post as necessary with success/failures.
As previous, these roms should bring back:
- These ROMs do not require a 3rd party bootloader like OpenCore.
- They will require a modification of the base AppleIntelPanelA/ApplePanels/F10Ta007 brightness stepping (more info to follow soon).
- Stock GPU clock speeds for now
- pixel-depth of native driver capped at 16-bits still. Can be temporarily corrected by entering a sleep cycle.
⦁ Genuine native brightness control
⦁ Genuine ‘gray’ early-boot screen (stage 1 & 2 progress bar)
⦁ Genuine macOS bootloader compliance
"insanely great!"
-Steve Jobs
There may be an issue with the boot menu on this ROM - Do not flash this just yet until it is verified.
I have pulled the ROM until testing, will put back once tested.
View attachment 941642 View attachment 941643
I was Able to make a FaceTime call and a QuickTime Screen Recording. Using a K4100m on B4 with kexts posted above.
Could you please attach the AppleGVA.framework you used?I reverted the changes to AppleGVA.framework and now Quicktime and FaceTime work here, too! Awesome.![]()
Alright, here is a basic Big Sur kext pack for the 2009-2011 iMac. It includes a patched AppleGraphicsControl.kext, Patched @nikey22 /@Nick [D]vB specific AppleBacklight.kext HD3000 kexts Airport and HD audio. If going with the micro patcher from @Barry K. Nathan You will not need to install the HD3000*/IO8211Family.kext kext/AppleHDA.kext as his --2011 command will fix this.
@Barry K. Nathan If you read this you should maybe include an "--iMac" option to your script. You mostly have everything, us iMac users need a Patched AppleGraphicsControl to enable DisplayPort Output on boot. Also AppleMCCSControl from Mojave fixes the garbled graphics output in Safari. Thanks your script has been amazing so far!
Ethernet didn't require any Kext fix. So if your having Ethernet problems it's an OS issueIs Ethernet fixxed? Try make an speedtest and if you test your upload with ethernet no wifi only cable... And you see that your ethernet crashes and you have no internet you must plugoff and plugin your ethernet cable this back....
Can you test it on your 2011 imac...and hope anyone can fix that.. you must install the kexts to.identify the ethernet....without kexts you have no audio,ethernet and wifi ...Ethernet didn't require any Kext fix. So if your having Ethernet problems it's an OS issue
Apple has been using the Same Exact AppleBCM5701Ethernet Kext for IDK how many Mac OS versions now, it has a build date of 2013. It's not wise to manipulate IONetworkingFamily.kext, Whatever issue you have is more than Likely a Big Sur issue and hopefully will be solved in coming months.Can you test it on your 2011 imac...and hope anyone can fix that.. you must install the kexts to.identify the ethernet....without kexts you have no audio,ethernet and wifi ...
Possibly, I felt like beta 2 was very unbaked.@Ausdauersportler thank you!
@highvoltage12v too... I install beta 4 tomorrow... I have yet beta 2 ..maybe it has already been fixed in beta 4 !?...
I'm at a loss now. Even tried resetting the PRAM. Really hoping I've made some silly mistake in the process but not sure where to look. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
Afaik you don't have to install the kexts immediately, you can avoid the black screen issues by bringing up the boot menu and just starting the system normally form there -- should work on K2100M, just hold ALT (wired USB keyboard) when turning on iMac, and select main HD/SSD and return. Then you can boot the system unmodified and use it a couple times to make sure it's not the kext installation that breaks MacOS. You do want the kexts eventually though.
May need to try a clean install of High Sierra on another partition. However, Mojave was a clean install and is also affected.
** NVIDIA GeForce GTX780M Mac Edition ROM **
Genuine Native Boot Screen & Brightness Control
View attachment 942195
There are many members here that have this card now and have been using it with & without Opencore. The previous rom iterations did not initialize the “built-in” iMac LCD screen but instead spoofed it to use the Cinema Display as the internal screen which rendered brightness control non-functional, and forced the use of a bootloader to add the feature back via a kernel extension.
This ROM does not require a 3rd party bootloader like OpenCore.
ROM testing has already been underway for the past few weeks by @Ausdauersportler and @highvoltage12v.
There is an overclock present on the GTX780M from the base rom. I would suggest you to use a 3-pipe heatsink for this GPU. Apply proper thermal pads and appropriate heat dissipating grease like K5pro to the areas that are in contact with the heat sink. Keep mac fans up and running to achieve better control of cooling as well.
As with the K4100M, you will need to use a brightness kext mod to obtain the proper range of brightness in macOS. There will be a separate instruction for Windows 10 users to adjust the RMBrightness scaling accordingly.
Important Links:
USB Flashing for SSH @xanderon method <link>
@Curtis Gross – walkthrough video <link>
Heat Sink MOD to grind down the edges <link>
Heat Sink mounting @tgaillar <link>
Kexts for sleep/iGPU (Mojave/Catalina) <link>
More GPU Roms to come... Enjoy!
** NVIDIA GeForce GTX780M Mac Edition ROM **
Genuine Native Boot Screen & Brightness Control
View attachment 942195
There are many members here that have this card now and have been using it with & without Opencore. The previous rom iterations did not initialize the “built-in” iMac LCD screen but instead spoofed it to use the Cinema Display as the internal screen which rendered brightness control non-functional, and forced the use of a bootloader to add the feature back via a kernel extension.
This ROM does not require a 3rd party bootloader like OpenCore.
ROM testing has already been underway for the past few weeks by @Ausdauersportler and @highvoltage12v.
There is an overclock present on the GTX780M from the base rom. I would suggest you to use a 3-pipe heatsink for this GPU. Apply proper thermal pads and appropriate heat dissipating grease like K5pro to the areas that are in contact with the heat sink. Keep mac fans up and running to achieve better control of cooling as well.
As with the K4100M, you will need to use a brightness kext mod to obtain the proper range of brightness in macOS. There will be a separate instruction for Windows 10 users to adjust the RMBrightness scaling accordingly.
Important Links:
USB Flashing for SSH @xanderon method <link>
@Curtis Gross – walkthrough video <link>
Heat Sink MOD to grind down the edges <link>
Heat Sink mounting @tgaillar <link>
Kexts for sleep/iGPU (Mojave/Catalina) <link>
More GPU Roms to come... Enjoy!