Step 8 didn't work right and I tried to put the two files back but I have no Bluetooth and no wifi now please help!
you are gonna need to supply more info than that.
Step 1: relax
Step 2: provide as much info as possible so people in this thread have the capability to help you. No one wants to help people that expect magic to take place
Step 3: Realize that nothing you did is irreversible. Well, assuming you didn't go running with scissors in the terminal.
can someone please give a walkthrough step by step guide from start to finish that they have working on early 2011 with what part i need to upgrade and model number of the part, there is so many conflicting guides.
if you need anymore info from me let me know. thanks
If I'm right, it has not been updated yet.
Edit problem solved!
not to be the forum police or anything, but c'mon man, Lem3ssie has reposted at least a dozen times for people. You have the early 2011 (assuming MBP), so verify your board ID (should be the same as his), and follow his posts. Super-simple.
At most you would have to read 2 pages of posts.
Looks like the official updates are out now. 10.10 (public) and iWork.
iOS8.1 to come monday (public release)
Excellent! Thank you for updating.
my board id is slightly different, so what advice do you have for me now? my id is Mac-94245B3640C91C81
I would advise you to look at POST #1 and follow the steps outlined. Particularly #4 and #7 will apply to your question. Same board ID.
ok will do, also what would happen if the machine had a factory restore of the operating system, would i need to do this process again? silly question but i am going to sell my mac next year
Is anyone else that installed the CAX card in a MBP seeing that Handoff was working in GM, but no longer working in Release? Installed the last kext file I had that was working, and still no go.
Final yosemite replaced the kexts, you need to kext drop them in again
Tried that, even tried the edit it with the Mac- number thing. Still no go.
Try trashing the 4331 kext temporarily and restarting.
Thanks, but I fixed my issue. I fat-fingered the edit of the Mac- number. Thanks for your help. If anyone needs a Late 2011 13" MBP edit, let me know.