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Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Well see that's the strange thing, I would assume that I'm missing space because I saw the Finder report 209GB of free space when it's now only reporting 147GB (not to sound displeased because I was barely above 20GB free before this).

So was that 209GB incorrect? Because I don't see anything too odd here.

Yeah... this all adds up about right as I see it. Does ~50GB for your user files sound about right?

Dunno how it could have shown 209GB free.

It looks like you have /.MobileBackups turned on again with 4GB in there. I don't know if you meant to do that. After you do that "sudo tmutil disable local" to turn it off, if you ever turn Time Machine off then on it reenables /.MobileBackups and you have to rerun the command.

Unless you think something is off with that 50GB in your user folder, I think you are in good shape.
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