I'm on machine number 4. I've had manufacture dates of 2016-11-14, 2017-01-09 (two of them) and my latest is 2016-12-26. The last two have shown the keyboard sticky high pitched sounding keys, the first had the command key an up/down arrows not registering randomly and in the far corners, and the second one had the trackpad and keyboard just stop working after 4 days.
I'm going to give this one two weeks to see if the key sounds improve over time. I've bought over $300 in peripherals, so the return option is a lot harder choice than trying to get one that works right, but as the time involved in this increases, I may just have to cut my losses and assume I'll use the peripherals on future devices.
I'm going to give this one two weeks to see if the key sounds improve over time. I've bought over $300 in peripherals, so the return option is a lot harder choice than trying to get one that works right, but as the time involved in this increases, I may just have to cut my losses and assume I'll use the peripherals on future devices.