Wow, it's hard to believe, it's that time again and here we are. Let the tracking begin.

I feel like I must be buying the new iPhones way too often when I actually know the UPS tracking destinations for all the locations that the phone should scan through. 🤣 I pre-ordered my 14 Pro Max from Apple as soon as the app let me in yesterday morning, it gave me a 9/16 delivery date and I'm signed up for UPS My Choice, so the UPS app sent me a notification that I had a package in the system. When I went to bed last night it was just showing that it was preparing to ship and then this morning it showed that a label was created and the Origin Scan in ZhengZhou CN and now I double checked again and it updated twice, just like the pic above. The only difference is my Origin Scan was at 6:42 PM yesterday and then the other two scans of departing 11:27 PM on 9/10 and arriving at facility at 12:10 AM today are exactly the same times, so sounds like my phone is traveling in that same group. Can't Wait!!