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macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2018
It’s strange to see so many fans across F1 platforms still sticking the boot in to Toto and Mercedes (not Suzie bizarrely) over this story but clearly not understanding what is actually unfolding. It’s an example of how tribal F1 has become and in a very toxic sense. Is this the consequence of F1 reaching more people, less viewers but more people showing interest? For me it’s frustrating to discuss and debate the sport these days, in fact it’s often impossible. People don’t seem to have to invest time anymore following the finer details, they just have to pick a driver and team they like and just be negative about the competition. It’s why half this thread don’t even read each others posts anymore and we used to have a really constructive, pleasant and a reasonable discussion base here compared to many places.

Disappointing but I suppose this is the consequence of dumbing the sport down in the longterm. Liberty should really look a bit deeper into the sports image as it’s heading down a route where it will end up like a less intelligent version, like football.
100% agree with this. Discussion on the sport is now painful because someone who discovered F1 on Netflix now thinks they know enough to debate the politics of the sport. This entire Wolff situation is an amazing example of it.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2012
F1 has way too many rules, way to lenient punishments for breaking any rule, F1 has become a meme, a joke, it is now pathetic, pandering to the wrong market, cannot even start to understand the decision to introduce Sprints, then now Spa is a sprint event..I had to give up watching football after too many years as a football journalist, seeing the cheating, blatant and obvious, done with the permission of the ref team, in cahoots.. You see it now with the VAR, a way to fool the public, but how many VAR are absolute howlers, same in cricket, it is a sophisticated version of cheating..

If you want to keep cars on tracks, build walls, they will soon learn to avoid the walls, if not, then ouch... Let the teams sue each other, in court, let the legal beagles sort it out..

Ban all tech, go back to hand clutches, and manual gears, only 2 buttons, 1 for drinks, and 1 for radio, 1 way, car to pit.. Only 6 guys per team, front and rear jack, 4 tyre men.. 1 mechanic on the pit, any data from the car is transmitted 15 min after the end of the session..F1 is stupid now, you need 2000 employees for a race??


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
100% agree with this. Discussion on the sport is now painful because someone who discovered F1 on Netflix now thinks they know enough to debate the politics of the sport. This entire Wolff situation is an amazing example of it.
Indeed, I have read posts this morning with fans still taking great pleasure in Mercedes/Toto 'getting their comeuppance', despite the last 36 hours exposing a very different situation that is unfolding. There are even fans suggesting the other team Principals are now lying with their statements, like the original complaints from them to the FIA have disappeared on dissolving paper or self destructing cassette tapes. As if the FIA would not be able to reference this communication should there be credible evidence lol. If one was to even try and point out the facts as they stand, there seems to be a default defense mechanism that deviates onto a tangent with words like 'lulu', 'merc fanboy', and starts to suggest Lewis is the luckiest driver in the history of the sport, despite not having a clue if the person they are responding to is even interested in any of that. You are dead right, Netflix has simplified this sport to the masses who aren't as interested in the complex finer details, the technology race, or the fact every driver faces a different challenge to the next, they just want basic tribal black and white discussion, or mud slinging.
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May 16, 2023
Indeed, I have read posts this morning with fans still taking great pleasure in Mercedes/Toto 'getting their comeuppance',
I just want to quote this back at you:
I had to laugh at Horner squirming at the last race with his comment about Lewis showing interest in a seat at Red Bull. It may well have been true, but it’s one of those things that is largely confidential unless of course you’re a a smug and disingenuous personality like Horner. There were suggestions Verstappen had contacted Mercedes in 2020 for a potential drive, but it’s natural for drivers to put the feelers out, especially to better performing teams. I loved that Lewis denied it and then Horner and Marko had different versions of what happened. Marko saying it was one of Hamilton’s management team and Horner saying Anthony Hamilton lol. I know there is a general sense it didn’t happen at all and Horner had has pants pulled down trying to stir. All the psychological fun that comes with F1.
You speak about the 'tribalism' within sport, yet fail to see the irony of your own hypocrisy in this regard. Its a bit like someone complaining about being stuck in traffic, without realising that THEY are actually part of the traffic they're stuck in...


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Just read this about Wolff, usual dumb idiots claiming it was Red Bull with zero proof, and I doubt it was them as they have better things to do. It seems a magazine ran an article making accusations, it seems with zero proof, and the FIA start investing Toto and Susie? What a load of rubbish, if they had a problem then they shouldn't allow either one to hold their positions.

But to investigate based on a random magazine article seems bonkers to me, and then suddenly drop it presuming as they found out their was zero evidence, and even all 9 other teams worded letters stating none of them had raised any complaints or leaked any info about Toto and Susie. They've been married for ages it's no secret.

This is really low, really low for the FIA, knowing them and their owners I won't be surprised if they made it yo themselves to stoke the fire over Christmas and keep the 'new' fanbase battling in forums.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
100% agree with this. Discussion on the sport is now painful because someone who discovered F1 on Netflix now thinks they know enough to debate the politics of the sport. This entire Wolff situation is an amazing example of it.
To be fair, in my opinion, this story with the Wolff is going a bit deep with some intricate twist and turns regarding the organizations behind it, that whilst they have to do with the business that is F1, to most people it isn't really about the racing. Unless I was running/managing a team or related business, it is really not that interesting and I don't think fan material.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2012
Well someone at FIA HQ has an incredible sense of irony... I saw mention that the 2024 F1 Champions Gala dinner, is to be held in Rwanda... Baku for 2023.. Given how many times F1 has raced in Rwanda.. Genius..
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Just read this about Wolff, usual dumb idiots claiming it was Red Bull with zero proof, and I doubt it was them as they have better things to do.
Who is claiming it is Red Bull?
The teams have been very firm on this with their collective response and it’s clear this is from much higher up in the sport than Red Bull. As much as I dislike Horner as a person, I don’t think his team would be stupid enough to risk doing something like this. There has been an attempt to perform a character assassination on the Wolff’s based on a very weak tabloid story, I really hope they take this further.


The fact nobody from the FIA even spoke to her about the accusations before going public beggars belief.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Who is claiming it is Red Bull?
The teams have been very firm on this with their collective response and it’s clear this is from much higher up in the sport than Red Bull. As much as I dislike Horner as a person, I don’t think his team would be stupid enough to risk doing something like this. There has been an attempt to perform a character assassination on the Wolff’s based on a very weak tabloid story, I really hope they take this further.


The fact nobody from the FIA even spoke to her about the accusations before going public beggars belief.

No one here, but on news paper reports online and other social media people who aren't intelligent are outright accusing Red Bull, because anything bad with Mercedes is always their fault apparently.


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
The lady protests too much now. Sure, she may be in the right, but it isn't a good look and ends up reflecting worse. Unless that is the goal? But if it isn't, she really could do with some PR coaching and representation, as the story is running away from her. And Lewis piling in on top really doesn't help to make this go away. It does make me wonder whether there are multiple parties at play here trying to take their opportunity. Regardless of how it started.


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2018
The lady protests too much now. Sure, she may be in the right, but it isn't a good look and ends up reflecting worse. Unless that is the goal? But if it isn't, she really could do with some PR coaching and representation, as the story is running away from her. And Lewis piling in on top really doesn't help to make this go away. It does make me wonder whether there are multiple parties at play here trying to take their opportunity. Regardless of how it started.
I completely disagree with this - it is victim blaming. Ben Sulayem saw an opportunity to pick a fight with the Wolffs again, and he lost. This man has a history of picking fights he can't win.

The entire accusation is a baseless claim from the most sued journalist in UK history. 100% of the teams refuted it and backed the Wolffs. The FIA then backed down and felt the need to try and distance Ben from the incident by claiming he fell down and suffered a concussion so couldn't have been involved - yet he was at the FIA Prize Awards operating just fine. Additionally, he haded out the prizes to Horner, Max and Perez...but then magically disagreed off stage when it was Lewis turn.

You say Susie could do with some PR coaching and I 100% disagree. 2 men with a history of misogynistic comments made an attack on her and the entire paddock responded to defend her. Then the FIA makes up the worlds worst lie to cover for Ben. Seems to me like it's the FIA that needs some PR coaching and representation. And perhaps a competent leader who isn't a sexist power hungry sociopath.

MBS has history trying to pick fights with Toto and Lewis. Even reopening closed stewards cases against Lewis because he wanted heavier punishments. Now the organisation than MBS heads goes after Totos wife and people have the audacity to say Susie is protesting too much?


macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
I completely disagree with this - it is victim blaming. Ben Sulayem saw an opportunity to pick a fight with the Wolffs again, and he lost. This man has a history of picking fights he can't win.
I can see your point, but there is a massive graveyard of victims who were on the 'right' side. Just being right, or the victim, doesn't mean it is smart to behave how they are behaving.

I see this almost daily, lots of people who prefer to go to court opposed to settle because they are right. And they they are right, doesn't mean it ends well for them. Normal courts are unpredictable, public courts even more so regardless of whether Ben Sulayem has a history of it; in fact it gives him an advantage as he has more experience...

The entire accusation is a baseless claim from the most sued journalist in UK history. 100% of the teams refuted it and backed the Wolffs. The FIA then backed down and felt the need to try and distance Ben from the incident by claiming he fell down and suffered a concussion so couldn't have been involved - yet he was at the FIA Prize Awards operating just fine. Additionally, he haded out the prizes to Horner, Max and Perez...but then magically disagreed off stage when it was Lewis turn.
Sure, not disputing any of that.
You say Susie could do with some PR coaching and I 100% disagree. 2 men with a history of misogynistic comments made an attack on her and the entire paddock responded to defend her. Then the FIA makes up the worlds worst lie to cover for Ben. Seems to me like it's the FIA that needs some PR coaching and representation. And perhaps a competent leader who isn't a sexist power hungry sociopath.
Sure, the FIA as well, but that is an organization and she is an individual. I feel for her, and don't disagree with her anger. But still don't think it is a smart approach, regardless of what battle is to be fought, as for now she sounds like a Karen and a woman scorned. And that creates an adverse effect. Yup, I realize that some may say that is misogynistic of me, but it is what it is and presented with the best intentions for her outcome. Nobody wins from such a public fight, she may 'win' this round, but it will have a lasting effect.
MBS has history trying to pick fights with Toto and Lewis. Even reopening closed stewards cases against Lewis because he wanted heavier punishments. Now the organisation than MBS heads goes after Totos wife and people have the audacity to say Susie is protesting too much?
Just looking at it from a perspective of someone who deals with disputes as good as daily. Definitely not a strategy I'd be advising as it is very unpredictable.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I completely disagree with this - it is victim blaming. Ben Sulayem saw an opportunity to pick a fight with the Wolffs again, and he lost. This man has a history of picking fights he can't win.

The entire accusation is a baseless claim from the most sued journalist in UK history. 100% of the teams refuted it and backed the Wolffs. The FIA then backed down and felt the need to try and distance Ben from the incident by claiming he fell down and suffered a concussion so couldn't have been involved - yet he was at the FIA Prize Awards operating just fine. Additionally, he haded out the prizes to Horner, Max and Perez...but then magically disagreed off stage when it was Lewis turn.

You say Susie could do with some PR coaching and I 100% disagree. 2 men with a history of misogynistic comments made an attack on her and the entire paddock responded to defend her. Then the FIA makes up the worlds worst lie to cover for Ben. Seems to me like it's the FIA that needs some PR coaching and representation. And perhaps a competent leader who isn't a sexist power hungry sociopath.

MBS has history trying to pick fights with Toto and Lewis. Even reopening closed stewards cases against Lewis because he wanted heavier punishments. Now the organisation than MBS heads goes after Totos wife and people have the audacity to say Susie is protesting too much?

Unbelievable isn’t it? Suzie handled this so well and her public statement was absolutely on point. I can understand her husband isn’t popular with fans of non-Mercedes drivers, but this shady attempt to discredit her has massively backfired on the FIA, an organisation headed by someone totally inappropriate for the job. She’s determined to find out who within the FIA started the slander against her and I hope she finds out and they are dealt with appropriately.

Tom Rubython as you say holds the mantle as most sued british journalist currently in the industry and it’s pretty wild someone within the FIA took him seriously. Obviously not doing their homework on him. Anybody who has been sued by pond-life like Kelvin MacKenzie clearly has massive red flags over their reputation. Someone has been very gullible indeed.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2012
Ben Sulayem only went for Suzie as he knew it would be a career ender to try and take on Toto, Ben knew he would be taking on the entire Mercedes HQ, and a pack of legal beagles of the kind he has nightmares about.. I wouldn't be surprised if in the coming weeks, Ben himself is requiring legals to cover him when the Wolff's sue, or the FIA fire him, Ben, for bringing the organization into disrepute..


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
Agree (Qatar) should be dropped from the callander, sadly far too much money involved for that to happen, at least next year it will be held in December so hopefully be cooler for them.

The teams have also agreed to allow implementation of a system to draw "fresh" air into the cockpit from below the car for races where heat+humidity+course design result in "extreme" conditions (like at Lusail International).

They are also continuing to work on a system to reduce the spray generated during heavy rainfall to allow the cars to race in conditions that the Extreme Wet tires can handle, but that visibility is too low to safely run the event.



macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
The teams have also agreed to allow implementation of a system to draw "fresh" air into the cockpit from below the car for races where heat+humidity+course design result in "extreme" conditions (like at Lusail International).

They are also continuing to work on a system to reduce the spray generated during heavy rainfall to allow the cars to race in conditions that the Extreme Wet tires can handle, but that visibility is too low to safely run the event.

It would still be much cheaper to drop Qatar and let the sport focus on better venues IMO. I like the reduced spray line of development though. They need to enforce the loopholes teams are using to increase turbulent air from the rears of their cars too, last season they let it slide and are fully aware it is being exploited.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
The teams have also agreed to allow implementation of a system to draw "fresh" air into the cockpit from below the car for races where heat+humidity+course design result in "extreme" conditions (like at Lusail International).

They are also continuing to work on a system to reduce the spray generated during heavy rainfall to allow the cars to race in conditions that the Extreme Wet tires can handle, but that visibility is too low to safely run the event.

Interesting ideas. Less controversial will be the cooling jacket, the scoop idea will no doubt lead to advantages being gained by some teams.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
No one here, but on news paper reports online and other social media people who aren't intelligent are outright accusing Red Bull, because anything bad with Mercedes is always their fault apparently.

Those people were probably in the same mentality bracket as those still basking in the accusations against Mercedes without realising the investigation had been dropped and exposed. There are plastics on both sides of the DTS following unfortunately who love the tribal aspect, but do very little to educate themselves at the same time.
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May 16, 2023
Those people were probably in the same mentality bracket as those still basking in the accusations against Mercedes
Once again:

You speak about the 'tribalism' within sport, yet fail to see the irony of your own hypocrisy in this regard. Its a bit like someone complaining about being stuck in traffic, without realising that THEY are actually part of the traffic they're stuck in...

All this nonsense is just boredom talking; there's no racing so let's make stuff up. It's cheap celeb gossip magazine level. I choose to ignore it, I just don't care. I suggest others do the same.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Because Button was too fast? That was a fun year.
Quite the contrary, Rubens finished on the podium in third and Jenson was sixth! That was the first race of that season where the Brawn lost its advantage and Red Bull bolted on their DIY double diffuser. Vettel came through Stowe where I was stood about 300 metres infront by lap 2 from what I remember. Cool to witness the Brawn's in race trim though.
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