My head was spinning from reading that and your subsequent response, thus my characterization as twisted. There's nothing in the nMP design preventing it from receiving some updates. The fact Apple has chosen to do zero updates demonstrates even Apple considers it a failure. No amount of spin will change that.
I didn’t mean to be twisty. I even numbered my responses and spaced them out to be more clear in thought. But, I also understand that it might be rambly, no matter the layout I use.
Anyway, to try to answer why the “trashcan” Mac Pro never got updated can be long and I have laid out attempts to answer this in my prior post. Other members of this forum unrelated to this thread have also sort of laid out the technological landscape circa 2006-present where partial answers can be found. This, off the top of my head, was in regards to technological changes and the role change of the iMac from being a second computer or Grandma’s computer to being “the” computer.
In my own experience, when I was in the market for a Mac in 2007, I saw the iMac as a cheaper Macbook Pro. This notion is still true to this day. Except, of course, this “cheaper Macbook Pro” has also sort of become a “cheaper Mac Pro,” today.
The idea behind above’s sentiment, of which has been said before by other people is that the role of the iMac changed.
This is probably the biggest reason as to why we didn’t see an updated “trashcan” Mac Pro because its role needed to be differentiated not just from the regular iMac but also the newly announced iMac Pro.
Apple didn’t wanna release a $4000 “headless,” cylindrical iMac Pro when there is one with a screen that cost $1000 more. And, allegedly, the iMac Pro would be a bigger profit margin for Apple.
So, I could have just said $$$$ is the reason. But, I wanted to lay down my thoughts because even though it’s shorter and cooler to say $$$$ is the reason… I don’t know that for sure. Or, of course, it is about $$$$ but why!
I feel honored to be so specifically mentioned....
You omitted the Power Mac G5 in your headstone though. It should read Mac Pro 2003-2012 since the cMP borrowed its chasis from the Power Mac G5's.