Are you sure about those? I've never had a computer run that cool. Both my Dell and this new iMac run around 40C (104F) just doing general stuff, and 70C (160F!) when they are pushed. I don't like that the fans didn't kick up, what app do you run to tweak your fans?
I'll need to watch mine closer (I've only had it 2 days) but I think the fans have always been at the numbers I posted a few posts up. Idle or 100%, I think they stayed the same.
Well, I'm only sure that those are the temperatures that iStat is reporting!
Right now my HDD has crept up to 108, my GPU 104, my optical drive 93 and my CPU is 90. Ambient temp at the computer reads 66, which sounds right as my thermostat at home is set on 67.
When I render in iMovie the CPU sometimes gets to 105 degF.
I use Fan Control for iMac to control my fans. It allows you to set minimum fan speed for each fan, the lowest temperature you want the fans to go faster than their minimum speed, and the highest temperature you would ever want to see. It will never allow them to go SLOWER than what the system is calling for. So in your case, you may not be able to make them go slower.
In the previous version of the iMac, most users were concerned that their machine ran too HOT and the fans turned too SLOW, so folks started installing these fan controls to speed them up. Perhaps Apple saw more component failures due to temps than they would have liked, so they upped the fan speeds. Or maybe the new processors, GPUs and DDR3 memory runs hotter. I don't know.