.... The plan is to use the Drobo 5D I got a few months ago and create a partition to use as my TM drive. It'll be connected to the nMP via Thunderbolt.
Hopefully can use the other partition of the Drobo 5D for some of this other stuff.
If I were just transferring stuff in my Documents file, it would be one thing but I need to set up the whole computer and I'm worried I might goof stuff up. For example, my entire Win7 VM is in a directory inside of the Documents folder and I can't afford to mess that up. I think I'm going the Migration Assistant route.
You can move a VM image to a new folder and it will still run. It is just a file (or set of files ). There should be something in the user guide for you VM application that outlines what to use to move the file around if there is some default link to where "click and run" icons are linked to the files.
Piling everything into into one gigantic pile ( e.g. throwing just everything to a single user directory) is large mismatch with this Mac Pro design. It is not designed as the packrat's best friend system.
The only advantage the guy at the Apple store said to use TDM was that while using TDM, the machine remains usable whereas when using MA you're completely locked out of using the machines while the cloning occurs.
Firewire target disk mode (TDM) is a lock out. Can't have two OS thinking they "own" a disk at the same time; at least not running normal HFS+ filesystem.
Even the Apple support docs outline this:
[ Aside. joe-blow blue shirt walking around an Apple store doesn't necessarily know much in depth at all. ]
Why would Ethernet be faster than FW800? Everything I've read / heard is that FW800 outpaces Ethernet. Am I missing something?
Again it isn't whether the transport media is "faster" but whether it is faster than the HDD. If have a clean 1GbE ( gigabit/s Ethernet ) path between the two devices it is good. 1GbE means not in target disk mode. Not particularly a good idea to be significantly changing a disk while trying to copy from it, but OS would still be running.
You need to get as much data off of the cMP as possible. Please tell me you are not planning on filling 900GB of the 1TB drive immediately!!!
SSDs ( like HDDs ) generally perform better (for different reasons) if you don't fill them up to the brim.
Sounds like you are in desperate need of external storage. I highly recommend you get one of the Seagate Thunderbolt sleds or USB3 connectors for one their GoFlex drives. You can plug in any SATA drive directly to the connector and get to it as fast as the drive hardware will allow.
You mention a Drobo so it sounds like you will have an external storage. Can't really use the Drobo as single drive enclosure, but it is most definately a place were can prune out some of that bulk to before invoke the Migration assistant.
For example
0. run full Time Machine backup on old system.
1. prune the large bulk
2. reboot into target disk mode.
3. Run migration assistant to pull over the smaller set.
4. post migration drop down into the TM folders and pull out the bulky folders and drop onto the Drobo partition for you bulk storage.
You can throw the VM image(s) onto the Drobo for example. ( if were using them in dual VM image/BootCamp there is some necessity to put on a partitioned internal SSD. But a plain HFS+ there is little to no upside of keeping that internal if already engaging TB external storage. )