OK, so here's the deal, I really wanted a 17 inch MBP (and may still get it when merom comes out)
But I also could go with a maxed out 20inch imac, and a low end macbook for the same price.
In the second option I get a 500Gb harddrive, plus the macbook's, 20+13.3 inches of display as opposed to 17, on and on and on.
The clincher: I think the imac design is ok, never really cared for the lip at the bottom though. If they sold this in the ACD format I would have bought one by now. Also, the macbook would be white.
smallish screen, I just don't know what to do.
This problem isn't a matter of 'I need X amound of processing power' but a matter of coordination, as I don't know what I'd like better etc.
Thoughts? People with 17mbp want to persuade? THANKS
EDIT: if I were to get the two, could I connect them to use both cpus at once to render something etc? thanks
But I also could go with a maxed out 20inch imac, and a low end macbook for the same price.
In the second option I get a 500Gb harddrive, plus the macbook's, 20+13.3 inches of display as opposed to 17, on and on and on.
The clincher: I think the imac design is ok, never really cared for the lip at the bottom though. If they sold this in the ACD format I would have bought one by now. Also, the macbook would be white.
This problem isn't a matter of 'I need X amound of processing power' but a matter of coordination, as I don't know what I'd like better etc.
Thoughts? People with 17mbp want to persuade? THANKS
EDIT: if I were to get the two, could I connect them to use both cpus at once to render something etc? thanks