It's not about not being able to afford it. You're completely missing the point. I could afford a 256gb iPad. But do you know why I have so much money? (not that I'm really rich or anything) It's because I have control over my spending. It's all those $100's saved each time I don't buy the best thing that I don't quite really need that add up to tens of thousands of dollars.
People in this country are too spend crazy. Buy what you require and you'll be amazed how much you will have in your savings account at the end of the month. It's the little things that add up and put people into debt and ruin the economy. It's not the $500 iPad that you buy every two or three years. It's the $6 coffee every morning. Its buying the brand name instead of the generic. Its paying interest on your fancy car loan when you could have kept that beater for another couple years and paid cash for the car instead. Good things come to those who wait. Be patient. Damn, I'm 25 and know that much. My generation is ridiculous. I'm close to my grandparents on my dad's side, and I've been following their example. They didn't have much when they started out, but they lived with what they had, didn't always "keep up with the Jones" or however that expression goes, and they ended up saving tons of money that they could then invest in a wide variety of things and could leave it there for a few decades, regardless of market conditions for the most part, and it always goes up in the long term. They were able to retire a few years early and now they vacation 4 months out of the year.
Sorry for the rant but spending an extra $100 for the hell of it just doesn't make economic sense unless you're a millionaire. Like Dave Ramsey says, only millionaires can afford a brand new car loan.
As for my iPad, even though I would consider it an education expense (thinking lower book costs will offset the price), to make a long story short, I'm essentially getting mine for free (well for 30 min worth of work) with some gift cards I got from doing the promotion you see in my signature. I get $5 every time someone uses that coupon code, and I posted it at school also and made enough to get an iPad.