Both Arnold and Octane render very realistic looking images out of the box because they are unbiased renderers.Thanks for the benchmarks. Most likely is Rosetta bottlenecking performance as Nathan said. Looks like Redshift is the only serious contender for rendering right now.
I would really love to get an M1 version of Arnold above anything, I'm sure it would fly on the new chips. I've been using it today on a Mac Pro and it's just such a great looking, robust and featured renderer. Assets that I've used in Redshift like HDRIs and PBR textures just look that much more convincing in Arnold.
Sure you can get good results out of unbiased ones too, but in my experience, these two looked more convincing without any tweaking.
Arnold is a very robust, world class renderer. GPU mode can be flakey at times though, but then so is Octane.
On CPU it is very powerful and scales very well.
Redshift’s defaults look a wee bit artificial, but it has been the most stable amongst the GPU renderers I have used.