I also know someone who used to be on the Maya beta-test program with me who I think is now in the Pro Apps team. He got hired by Apple back in 2014.
Didn't realise it had started so early; I guess it probably takes a while to get the good ship Apple moving in a particular direction.
That was an odd choice. So by v502 or so I was out. I heard that as they kept adding features it started to suffer from a lot of slowdown/bottleneck issues, around the time Foundry picked it up. And with Foundry seemingly not investing all that much R&D into it, I wonder if it has gotten any better.
I think I stopped using Modo around 401, although that was more due to a shift in career than anything. I feel with Modo they nailed the modelling part really well off the bat, but a lot of things they started adding just made the program slower, confusing and more expensive (also never liked the layered shading).
Since the Foundry bought it it's pretty much stagnated as far as I can tell; every year they add a few flavour of month features, but it's pretty much on maintenance these days. If they released just the modelling part for a £150 one off license I'd grab it, but as it is its a £30 a month subscription...