Hi all, wondering if anyone else had this issue. After new update to Apple TV, I have no sound at all.
Tried unplugging and all that, even tried a different HDMI cable.
Any ideas?
I'm connected to the TV with HDMI. Audio into a/v receiver with digital optical cable. All audio is good except through network from iTunes on my old Titanium Powerbook (used as a media server). Video playback from same source is "dodgy".
After digging through different forums today, I have learned that a reset within the ATV2 GUI will not work. It will force you to update to the newest version upon restart. The only, relatively easy option I found is to force the ATV2 into DFU mode.
Here's one link to a "How to": http://www.mydigitallife.info/2010/10/25/how-to-put-apple-tv-2g-into-dfu-restore-mode/
I have yet to attempt this fix. If anyone has any luck or discovers an alternate, please post.
' luck.
This may be a stupid question, but does anyone know how to bring Apple TV OUT of recovery mode?
Updated to 4.3 yesterday. This morning no sound whatsoever. Unplugged everything, did a reset, the whole nine yards and still nothing. Hope there is a fix forthcoming.
I'm hooked up like several others here. I have two HDMI ports on my HP TV, a Cox box in one and the Apple TV in the other. Audio passthrough for the Apple TV worked fine and played through my home theatre system...until I ran the 4.2 upgrade earlier today. Now the only audio I get from the Apple TV is through the HP's speakers. Same thing occurs if I swap the Cox box and the Apple TV's HDMI ports. So it's obviously the Apple TV.
This is really disappointing. Who wants to listen to their iTunes library or rent a movie with only the TV speakers for audio? Hopefully there will be a fix for this. This problem has got to kill iTunes rentals.
I'm hooked up like several others here. I have two HDMI ports on my HP TV, a Cox box in one and the Apple TV in the other. Audio passthrough for the Apple TV worked fine and played through my home theatre system...until I ran the 4.2 upgrade earlier today. Now the only audio I get from the Apple TV is through the HP's speakers. Same thing occurs if I swap the Cox box and the Apple TV's HDMI ports. So it's obviously the Apple TV.
This is really disappointing. Who wants to listen to their iTunes library or rent a movie with only the TV speakers for audio? Hopefully there will be a fix for this. This problem has got to kill iTunes rentals.
I didn't read all the posts, but here's what happened for me.
Upgraded my own Apple TV 2 (to iOS 4.3). NO problems with sounds.
Upgraded a client's Apple TV 2 (to iOS 4.3). Went completely silent.
Before panicking thoroughly, I went into his TV's HDMI settings and found audio set to analog. I switched it to digital (with fingers crossed) and I have sound again.
Hi Declandio,
Let us know if you have any luck with that. It'd also be nice to know if Apple recognizes a problem with the upgrade.