Doesn't ARM make their chips?
Isn't Samsung making their own chip here? I don't get how your parcel out the difference to say one is innovating with their chip, and the other isn't.
You seem to be saying that because Apple never really developed their own chip before, but are now, that's innovation. I have to ask again, are you changing the definition of what innovation means for Apple's sake? Aren't chip manufacturers in general innovators too then because they are and have already been producing their own chips? Shouldn't that make the chip-maker-Samsung the innovator, while Apple is copying them?
I'm really not trying to be antagonistic; just trying to understand. No matter how I approach it, it looks to me like you're not playing a fair game. Remember, I'm not disagreeing with you, per se. Just trying to get some clarification and consistency. If you want to give Apple the title of innovator for these things, you have to give them to others too for doing the same thing. If you don't want to give it to others, you can't give it to Apple either.
At least that's how it should work.