yeah, this is what i am thinking. though I have been considering upgrading the hdd in my MBP to the largest i can find but i don't know. i might go the time capsule route too
I'm trying to figure out the best way to accomplish this as well. Right now I have my movies on my MBP. It's fine for the time being but I will soon fill the internal hard drive up. It will then be time to move my files to an external. I'm grappling with a few choices: (1) Time Capsule (2) AEBS + External HD (3) NAS HD.
(1) Expensive. Wireless Time Machine backups are a plus though.
(2) Cheap (180$). I have a 500GB Maxtor External (Free). Upgrading to a "N" wireless network.
(3) These HDs tend to be a bit more expensive. I'd imagine the AEBS would be easier to configure with the external HD -- this is only an assumption.
Can anyone provide any insight to any of these options? I'm leaning towards (2) as it will allow me to upgrade my network at the same time as allowing me to connect the 500GB HD.