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Crysis runs smoothly in 1600x1200, AA off, everything on 'high' (couldn't try 'very high', I'm using XP), approx 25 fps.

It runs similarily well in 1200x1080(ish) with AAx2.


3dMark 06 :

3ghz 08 iMac with 4850 ATI Card

10171 3DMarks
4029 MS2
4809 SM3/HDR
2806 CPU
25 fps in single player mode is smooth enough for me. Thanks for your contribution.

No problem. Not trying to be a dick or anything... but I think many would agree 25 is pretty poor. Maybe you should try another "16:10" resolution to get more performance and so your hud doesnt look out of whack.

Perhaps 1440x900 or 1280x800?

How's that for a contribution?
This is from a 4850 1GB on a Hackintosh (the iMacs seem to have freezing issues so I had to convert my PC :)). C2D E6850 @3.6GHz, 4GB DDR2 ram @800MHz.


  • xbench.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 133
No problem. Not trying to be a dick or anything... but I think many would agree 25 is pretty poor. Maybe you should try another "16:10" resolution to get more performance and so your hud doesnt look out of whack.

Perhaps 1440x900 or 1280x800?

I thought of that, but oddly, 1440x900 or 1280x800 don't appear in the list of available resolutions. Aspect ratio is set on automatic, I'll try to force it to 16:10, see if the suggested resolutions are different. Thanks for the suggestion, hoonu. :)

25 fps obvioulsy isn't the best but I find it sufficient for my gaming needs. Particularily when it comes to Crysis, I'd rather enjoy the best possible graphics and lose a few frames per sec. Plus I genuinely don't fint it choppy. I think the motion blur helps.

For info, I've tweaked (most) graphics to 'very high', using MrGnome's hack (had to lower res to 1400x1050). It really looks amazing. :)

EDIT: Ok, nevermind, Crysis does not offer to force aspect ration like CoD4 does. And the resolutions offered are not 16:10 --> 1200x768; 1200x1024, 1400x1050, 1600x1200. I suppose I'll have to leave it as it is.
Close to buying new imac w/4850 and so been following this thread for a while now. I know we've been waiting for Barefeats benchmarks, but in the meantime, thought everyone might find this interesting.


I just notice the iMac with 4850 has lower clock speed CPU.
Even though GPU plays a more important role in gaming, it's still impressive considering the $50 price difference.
I just notice the iMac with 4850 has lower clock speed CPU.
Even though GPU plays a more important role in gaming, it's still impressive considering the $50 price difference.

If the freezing issue didn't exist the $50 upgrade would be a no brainer. Even still I fully believe the freezing issue will be a non issue in a few weeks and teh ATI card will be the way to go.
Freezing issue is fixed!

Barefeats, where are you with our full review? ;)

I figure you HAVE to have gotten your machine by now! :confused:
25 fps in single player mode is smooth enough for me. Thanks for your contribution.

I agree, most people watch films at 30fps and find that sufficient. I play games with a ATI 3650 and it does well at 1920x1080 med/high settings in company of heroes. I'm fine with the performance. I'm sure the 4850 screams by comparison.

Can anyone do a counter strike source stress test under Xp under bootcamp? That would be great. I was thinking about ordering cto 2.93ghz with the ati 4850 but was curious to see what kind of benchmark this will get since I mostly play CSS.
I max everything on CS:S on the worst iMac of the last generation (except AA and AF), and I get a smooth frame rate so don't worry about it.
Lotz of 3D Game results for 4850

Though we ordered it on March 5th, our iMac 3.06 with Radeon HD 4850 didn't arrive until Friday, May 8th. I ran our regular suite of 3D Games at 1920x1200 High Quality (ET:QW, CoD4, Halo, Prey, X-Plane). Our graphs show how it compares to various other iMac GPUs as well as some "comparable" Mac Pro GPUs:

As for freezing, we haven't had seen that behavior so far. I noticed the May 2nd firmware upgrade for the iMac was already installed in our unit when it arrived.
Well, I think that settles it. The freezing problem is (finally) fixed, and the gaming benchmarks for the 4850 show it's a no-brainer of an upgrade over the nVidia 120 (or 130). Thanks barefeats! Time to configure my machine and place my order!
Well, I think that settles it. The freezing problem is (finally) fixed, and the gaming benchmarks for the 4850 show it's a no-brainer of an upgrade over the nVidia 120 (or 130). Thanks barefeats! Time to configure my machine and place my order!

I pretty much put in my order right after reading the benchmarks. Can't wait! :)
Though we ordered it on March 5th, our iMac 3.06 with Radeon HD 4850 didn't arrive until Friday, May 8th. I ran our regular suite of 3D Games at 1920x1200 High Quality (ET:QW, CoD4, Halo, Prey, X-Plane). Our graphs show how it compares to various other iMac GPUs as well as some "comparable" Mac Pro GPUs:

As for freezing, we haven't had seen that behavior so far. I noticed the May 2nd firmware upgrade for the iMac was already installed in our unit when it arrived.

Why do you refuse to test WoW? The game has pretty decent graphics and expansions coming out all the time.. Cmon...
Why do you refuse to test WoW? The game has pretty decent graphics and expansions coming out all the time.. Cmon...

He doesn't refuse to test WoW. Have you seen any of his previous benchmarks? As far as graphics go, even with the recent expansion they're still pretty old and most modern computers from 2006 onwards can run the game well.
What indicates that they "refused" to test WoW? We should be grateful that they tested on a weekend for us nerds as it is!

Barefeats have previously reported that WoW is notoriously difficult to benchmark since it's an online game and any little change in the online environment will result in different benchmark scores.

If you look at earlier results in this thread I believe other members have reported an approximate 30% improvement on WoW with the 4850 card over the GT130.

I'm sure glad that I ordered the 4850 and glad Apple provided the fix to the problems in a relatively short amount of time!

If someone is a casual gamer of any kind or a serious gamer wanting to game on a Mac the 4850 card is a no brainer so glad I waited and got the fastest gaming iMac ever!

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