How irresponsible Apple turns out to be by still selling Aperture will depend on how well the upgrade to Photos goes. Will there be a bunch of advanced edit plugins you get free if you own Aperture? How easy is the upgrade path?
You say Aperture has no future past Yosemite, but we do not know that 10.11 (or even 11) is going to break it. At some point, it
will break, but the exact date is not known. That isn't quite the same as 'no future.'
From your arguments, Apple has no future. Why bother with their stuff? Heck, we know the sun is going to die one day, so life on earth must be ultimately pointless. Give up now or enjoy what you have while you have it: that choice is ultimately up to you.
Would Apple be capable of releasing the iPhone under Cook? I believe so, but I believe it was a more evolutionary product. The iPod line was getting video, and phones were becoming mp3 players. There were designs like the HTC Wizard that were 'in the ball park.' Also remember the original iPhone didn't have the 'App Store' that really turned the device into a 'must have.'
Jobs had a vision. Cook has a different vision because he is a different person. Does it take Apple in a direction that you or I no longer tolerate? Will Cook's eventual successor? Perhaps. But I am not going start jumping up and down screaming that the sky is falling and the end is nigh because Apple is transitioning from Aperture to some as yet unseen app that I expect will be free anyway.
Yosemite had bugs - as has every other OS since at least 1987. Why was it Windows 3.11 instead of 3? Bugs. DOS 6.22 instead of 6? Bugs. Some (shellshock) are worse than others (can't get voice to text to pronounce my name right). I recall people complained about IOS4-6 with equal fervor. Relax and have a little faith, but keep an eye on Lightroom/CaptureOne/Darktable/ whatever floats your boat. If Photos comes out beautiful, enjoy it. If not, you have options down to and including selling your immortal soul to Adobe (at which point you will not have a future either, so you may as well stick with Aperture anyway
