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macrumors 6502
Jan 29, 2006
somewhere in kansas
Chip NoVaMac said:
I have a iMac G5 20" that constantly reboots. I got up this morning and went online at 8AM to schedule a Genis this morning. The only option was for 8PM. I thought this might be a glitch. So showed up at the Tyson's VA store 15 minutes before opening. There is another user with an iMac.

Mine did this and it was a bad power supply. Could be ram, but in my experience you are more likely to get a kernel panic than a reboot. In a day or so it won't boot at all, so get anything you want copied off ASAP. Took mine to the Apple Dealer (I have dealt with for like 22 years) and they had it fixed in a couple days, I think it was a known problem and it was no charge even though the warranty had expired.

Agree 100% with supporting the local shops, always have with camera and computer. Only order on line when I need it fast and the local shop doesn't have it. Small town, small shops, they can't carry everything but will sure order it for you, which if I'm in no hurry will always do.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
OT: Follow-up on sick iMac G5

jared_kipe said:
Chip, your ram is bad, I had the problem you describe. Appeared to stump all the geniuses, but running Rember for a few hours detected it.

snap58 said:
Mine did this and it was a bad power supply. Could be ram, but in my experience you are more likely to get a kernel panic than a reboot. In a day or so it won't boot at all, so get anything you want copied off ASAP. Took mine to the Apple Dealer (I have dealt with for like 22 years) and they had it fixed in a couple days, I think it was a known problem and it was no charge even though the warranty had expired.

Thanks guys. The Genius thinks it is the power supply. Will know tonite or tomorrow afternoon for sure. They are swapping the PS tonite.

Things went better tonite at the Tysons Apple Store. Though my 7PM appointment was not scheduled. :eek: But the "bumped" me a head, and 30 minutes later I left with my repair order.

Agree 100% with supporting the local shops, always have with camera and computer. Only order on line when I need it fast and the local shop doesn't have it. Small town, small shops, they can't carry everything but will sure order it for you, which if I'm in no hurry will always do.

Yep, I have learned my lesson with Apple on this. The Apple Store operates on volume, and even if they know your face - the "rules" makes it hard for them to accommodate the customer. Hopefully an independent Apple reseller may be more responsive and helpful.

Back OT - sort of

I have heard some say their local shops "sucks". But they might improve, if you let them know what you want from them in order for them to get your business.

I know for some of you, price is the only matter. If that is the case, then do your research and call your local shop and see how close they might come to your low price. Don't get upset if they stand firm on their price. Many single storefront shops have higher costs of doing business, so they need what they can get from each sale in order to stay in business.

Also leave the no sales tax "benefit" at the door. Many states require that out of state purchases be reported and sales tax for your state to be paid as a "use tax".

Remember that you will have to pay shipping to send an item back in most cases. And some online stores that offer free shipping, only count it when it is the first time. A reship for a defective/bad product probably will have to be paid for by you.

Don't be afraid to ask what "added value" there is in paying their price - verses going with your lower internet price. For the shop I work for the "perks" are: an easy 14 day return/exchange privilege, working with you on lens sample issues, no charge for shipping and handling for sending gear out for warranty repairs (trust me the long distance calls and time spent following up on repairs is no fun), assistance (at least at my store) on following up on missing rebates, and the ability to come to us and ask for help on getting the most out of your purchase. This is just the bare minimum!

Be kind to your local dealer. Don't waste their time by going to touch and feel a product that you know that you will want to buy at the lowest price elsewhere.

More and more the independent camera stores are being closed each week. Some of it that they can't compete with the offers of the big box stores. Some times it is bad management/attitudes. In the end IMO many close due to their being used solely as a place to touch and feel - only to have the customer wanting to avoid/cheat on sales taxes, and only wanting the lowest price.
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