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macrumors regular
Oct 24, 2009
Had the6 for a year and the 6s+ for a year. Love the + for visual clarity. Got used to the size in about 30 minutes. Going for the 7+ for sure.


macrumors 6502
Feb 21, 2013
It's certainly not for everyone but in my opinion the bigger phone is worth it. I just feel a lot more productive with it, typing isn't a chore, videos look great, it just works better as a media consumption device - which is what a phone is these days.

Anyone on the fence, if you are buying the phone outright then go for the plus and return after 14 days if you're not convinced.

See that is exactly how I feel though I like the 4.7 better than the plus. The plus feels like a chore to type on if you try to use one hand which i do a lot at work, two handed sure it is a lot better.

I'm still on the fence, leaning a little more towards the plus though unfortunately because I do not like bigger phones.


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
Another option is to get a case that helps with the handling. Like the loopy. I'm considering that for the plus.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 16, 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
I like big screens, but for the device I take everywhere, how it fits in my pocket is more important. However, if the rumors about the camera are true I'm going to be very tempted to try a plus!


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2010
Tough question. I have had an iPhone 6 for 2 years. I debated this size question back then. I am a larger person by anyone's standard and the idea of a larger phone is both appealing and confounding. Using any size phone is easy. Carrying it with me while walking, running, biking, skiing, traveling, working, and so on is not so easy. Scrambling a rock face, that front pocket is not so usable. I don't live the urban dude life. I am also old enough where a larger screen is much easier to read, but that still doesn't merit the challenges of carrying a larger phone. None of us will be surprised when the larger plus phone has more RAM and the better camera, and, yes, that will make me crazy. Electronics have been getting smaller for decades. I want maximum performance at the most manageable size. Of course that's the goal. But I will accept the standard 7 because the tradeoffs of the larger size don't work for me. It will still be far better than the competition. I patiently await the future. Until then, let's celebrate the interim crap.
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macrumors regular
Jan 28, 2011
Got the 6+ and going back to a 7. Plus is too big for my hands, many times I find myself having to use two hands to text - this is reason enough for me.


macrumors regular
Jun 13, 2009
I'm getting the 7+ because the 4.7" is getting too small for me. I want to be able to use my unlimited T-Mobile and watch more movies on it and the bigger size is perfect.
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Sep 16, 2014
The one thing that really ticked me off was I got the 6s plus for more battery life..then they release a battery case for the 6s and that blew the battery away on the plus series. Wish they would release a battery case for the plus series's. I don't care how horrible it looks at that point, I need more battery for development and testing.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2014
some background, i had 6plus, and last year before s series came out, i posted a poll trying to see how people are switching or staying. most people are either switching to plus or staying with plus.

like i said, i had 6 plus, and switched to 6s, this year i'd most likely go with 7+

the + is bigger, which is good and bad, the bad being it's pretty much impossible to use one handed, especially during the night when you are in bed.
the 6s feels better in hands, but the major drawback is BATTERY. i used to have ~2 day battery life with 6+, but i hardly get 1 day usage with my 6s. so the battery life is the main reason i'm going to 7+ this year.


macrumors regular
Feb 17, 2008
Colorado Springs
I had the 6, then went to the 6s+, then the Note 7. Had to return it due to the battery issue, then got the 6s to hold me over until the 7. I definitely like the smaller size better and will probably get the 7. Although, the screen, camera and battery life makes me want the 7 plus. Technically, the 7 will have most of the internals and battery life of the 6s plus with the exception of the 1080p screen. I guess if I was good with the size of the 6s but wanted the optically stabilized camera and increased battery life of the 6s plus then the 7 should be good for me. I'm on JOD so I will go for the 7 initially.


macrumors 65816
Jun 14, 2013
Wales, UK
In my opinion the 6s+ is the best phone money can buy at the moment (until tonight at least). The extra screen and battery life are well worth the size. The difference between it and the smaller model really is huge.


Feb 13, 2015
Going for the regular iPhone 7 This time (reason-just for the latest).the iPhone 6s plus will also remain with me for one more year as i don't find any reason to exchange it with iPhone 7 plus i don't take much photos and the iPhone 7 will serve the purpose for that


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2010
See that is exactly how I feel though I like the 4.7 better than the plus. The plus feels like a chore to type on if you try to use one hand which i do a lot at work, two handed sure it is a lot better.

I'm still on the fence, leaning a little more towards the plus though unfortunately because I do not like bigger phones.
Haha, each to their own, I guess it comes down to how you feel about two handed use then. I don't know why but having to use both my hands for typing doesn't bother me, I always type two handed even on my smaller work phone - because it's quicker!

I'm just a huge fan of larger phones, smaller screens frustrate me now


macrumors 68020
Oct 3, 2007
I just want to give an update. I'm beyond happy that I chose the plus. All the same reasons that we have talked about apply but I've been trying the new portrait mode and I absolutely love it. Fantastic.
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