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macrumors 68040
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Sep 2, 2015
I love the new iPad Pro. But what is justifying the huge price jump.

Heck the LTE 64GB model is $999

My 2016 LTE iPad Pro 9.7" model costs
$529 bucks on Sprint over 24 months.

Just gonna buy the base WiFi model.
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Yeahhhh I love Apple but holy crap. Some people were predicting maybe a $50 increase but damn. No doubt the fact people are holding onto their devices way longer these days plays into this. Less upgrades yearly, less money. They want more up front now to guarantee more profit and better quarter results.

And did you see the price of the new accessories? New Apple Pencil is $130 and the new Smart Keyboard for the 12.9 is $200. For a keyboard! With no trackpad or anything!

...and I’ll probably get them all eventually anyway. I’m happy with my 10.5 right now though
Outside the USA it's even worse. I priced out they same kind I got last year (256 GB 12.9" wifi-only with the keyboard) and it's about 33% more! I'll be spending over $700 more after taxes for the "same" equipment I bought last time.

I do set aside money for these purchases but I'm having trouble justifying these cost increases from Apple. When the rumours started about these new devices I was pretty much set to buy, but with these price increases I have to actually think about it.
I agree the prices have gone up too much, especially for the LTE version. Keyboard and pen seem high too. I ordered, but will have serious second thoughts on if it is worth it over last years 10.5.
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Ouch on Pros even before today’s new Pro prices. I find the regulars iPads more than adequate. Waiting to see if edgeless, non-home button versions filter down to the next generation regular iPads, and at much more reasonable prices.
People are willing to pay for the best.

Also, considering how iPads are the sole computer for many folks, spending a little more than they typically do for a tablet is justified.

Generally speaking, the more you spend, the better utility and experience you get.
I was going to upgrade from last year pro 12.9 64gb Ipad I have to the new one but sorry no Apple .
999.00 for a 64gb Wifi with no OLED screen and same size for the screen and a more expensive pen , no again Apple .
Affordability is subjective too ones financial status. For me, the price increase was steep. That's why I started updating my iPads way less often. I just ordered the 12.9, wifi + Cell, 256 in space gray. I went ahead a added Apple Care. Then the gen 2 pencil and new Smart Keyboard. Set me back $1,923.43. My iPad is my daily work computer but still... Almost $2,000 is crazy. My 2015 MacBook Pro didn't cost me that much.

I may return Apple's keyboard if Logitech releases a backlit version again.
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I’ll definitely wait on steep sales for the 11” or even the 10.5”. No iPad is worth $900 and up to me.
I actually did pay $1229 (+tax + CA recycling fee) for 512GB LTE Pro 12.9 last year. Similar config is going for $1499 this year. Yikes!
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People are willing to pay for the best.

Also, considering how iPads are the sole computer for many folks, spending a little more than they typically do for a tablet is justified.

Generally speaking, the more you spend, the better utility and experience you get.

Price doesn’t always mean best for what people need. To always buy the most expensive of anything as a basis for thinking you’re getting a product so much better is playing into their marketing. And it’s not just a little more, but a whole lot more.
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Price is pretty steep and the 12.9" starting at $999. Didn't the 2017 12.9" model start at $799? (64GB, Wi-fi for both).
Definitely feeling better about picking up a 2017 12.9" model at a nice price about a month or so ago.
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I actually did pay $1229 (+tax + CA recycling fee) for 512GB LTE Pro 12.9 last year. Similar config is going for $1499 this year. Yikes!
Believe me I know that pain. I paid almost $1500 last year for an ASK I did not use very long, a Pencil, AC and a 256gb WiFi only 12.9 that developed several irresponsive touch issues that Apple refused to swap. I lost $1k in selling it off a few months ago.

So there is absolutely no way Apple are getting the full price whenever I get another iPP. While it was helpful for school and I loved drawing on it, that it effectively went bonkers in 8 months was just unacceptable.

I do hope everyone who buys this year’s model doesn’t have to deal with touch issues and just enjoys them.

The only new bell & whistle I care about is the pencil and the magnetic charging for it on the iPP. So I can wait and deal with my 2018 iPad until a great sale comes along. I need a new Mac first.
IF YOU ARE ON THE FENCE, DON'T CAVE! We enable this pricing by caving all the time.
I was planning on upgrading my "small" iPad (still on 256GB LTE Pro 9.7) this year but the prices are definitely making me rethink. The 512GB LTE 11" is more expensive than my 512GB LTE 12.9" 2nd gen. $400 for 1TB upgrade is also definitely making me analyze whether I really need that much storage (and here I just bought a 1TB SSD for $140+tax).

Mind, I'm still on iPhone 7. I rarely use my phone so that rarely gets upgraded. However, despite the iPad being my most used device, the steep pricing (particularly after tax) is still hard to justify.
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Really wanted to buy this, but now I'm on the fence. 200€ ($230) price bump here in Finland for the Pro, and Smart Keyboard is now 219€ ($250). For that price, you would imagine Apple would at least give us a backlit keyboard!
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affordability is subjective too ones financial status. For me, the price increase was steep. That's why I started updated my iPad way less often. I just ordered the 12.9, wifi + Cell, 256 in space gray. I went ahead a added Apple Care. Then the gen 2 pencil and new Smart Keyboard. Set me back almost $1,923.43. My iPad is my daily work computer but still... Almost $2,000 is crazy. My 2015 MacBook Pro didn't cost me that much.

I may return Apple's keyboard if Logitech releases a backlit version again.

Holy cow! Even for a laptop, $2000 is crazy in 2018!

I was ready to upgrade again this year, but I cannot justify $150 increase plus having to replace the pencil and keyboard at higher prices.
I paid a lot less for my NIB iPad Pro 10.5 Wi-Fi + Cellular. I can’t do Face ID on an iPad, sorry Apple. Face ID can only unlock from so many angles. If it was cheaper, maybe.

From these angles (iPad on a flat surface), I can unlock via Touch ID. Face ID, nope.

I don’t think this pricing is that bad personally. My only gripe is that 64GB as a base seems ridiculous when they now offer storage options up to 1TB. Other than that, it is not out of line with its competitors, especially if the A12X is faster than the lower voltage Core i7s (was interesting to hear “Core i7” mentioned on stage). Having said that, I do wonder if this leaves room for a standard “iPad” to return to its more typical historical price point of around $500 that leaves out some of the Pro features (eg. A11/A12 instead of A12X, 60Hz instead of ProMotion, etc) but still offers this new design language and support for the new Pencil.
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It's basically a new tier for iPads, much like the X was iPhones.

If it was the same as the 2017 iPP except with an A12X then it would be priced like the 2017.
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