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Master of Business Administration?

If you're getting one, you many need one. Though with school loans. Geez. Though alot of MBA candidates use MBPs and those aren't cheap.

What better machine for a MBA student but a MBA, lite, yet can handle all the MBA sorts of needs. They already have enough heavy books.
When the MacBook name was announced, everyone thought that was really crap and complained on here. Within a few months people got used to the name and the moaning stopped.

It will be the same with the MacBook Air.

I think the moaning probably stopped because people got tired of complaining, not because they like the name... you'll still see remarks about the "MacBook" and "MacPro" naming conventions...
I think AirBook would have been better.

And I don't think it could have been called MacBook nano. If anything, it would have been the MacBook mini, which seems to roll off the tongue(sp?) better, and leave MacBook nano for a future MacBook.
Howww about "That laptop thats really thin with the apple logo on the back"? Or TLTRTWTALOTB for short. Guys just give it a few weeks everyone will get used to the name.

looks like a door stoper from the side..:D

I've been saying I'll call mine Airhead. A term of endearment for the SSD.

The first time it really ticks me off it will be renamed to Frisbee.

The other machines are sulking and already consider it The Interloper.

Really I can hardly wait for it to get here. Will it have a different sticker, will it be wrapped in a manila envelope?

Hey for $3k they should put a retro rainbow sticker in the box ;)
Haha... yes. Fatbook, to go with the Fatpod Nano ;)

They do seem to go for the "what would it look like if it was run over by a tank" look these days :D
My Top Ten MacBook Air alternate names:

10. MacBook Nano (already mentioned, but oh so obvious, maybe it's yet to come?)

9. MacBook Manila Envelope

8. MacBook Anorexic

7. MacBook Bulimia

6. MacBook Ninja Throwing Star

5. FatBook Slim (with a nod to the previous poster)

4. MacBook Now-You-See-It-Now-You-Don't

3. MacBook Expensive

2. MacBook SouthBeachDiet

And the number one MacBook Air alternate name:

1. MacBook BLAIR (tm)

Thank you very much.
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