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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2011
hello, so heres the deal... iv had a touch for about a year (2g running 3.1.3, jailbroken and fairly heavily customized) so heres my first question, can anyone other there point me in the direction of somekind of tutorial for winscp and ssh? i just started using this today and im a very fast learner so i kno the basicis, logging onto it and what files to not delete. i just want to kno about changing icons and adding a bit more functionality (allready have close to 100 programs off cydia to add functionality)and the other thing i needed to kno is i also have a 1g on 4.2.X (havent plugged it in for a bit so idk the last digit) i cant seem to get an older ios to download and restore onto it properly, if i can find a way to get it to my other ios (3.1.3 for 1g) 3.1.3 i can jailbreak no problem, or if theres a decent jb out for the most recent ios that will work good on a 1g i could do that. any ideas?


macrumors 68020
Feb 19, 2011
i also have a 1g on 4.2.X (havent plugged it in for a bit so idk the last digit) i cant seem to get an older ios to download and restore onto it properly, if i can find a way to get it to my other ios (3.1.3 for 1g) 3.1.3 i can jailbreak no problem, or if theres a decent jb out for the most recent ios that will work good on a 1g i could do that. any ideas?

No, you don't. There isn't an iOS 4 for the first gen iPod touch, you're probably thinking of whited00r (4.x themed 3.x).

Are you using DFU for restoring?


macrumors newbie
Apr 4, 2011
win scp and sshing

well, I cant help you much with the more functionality, but I can help you change the icons. first you ssh into your ipod. in the left hand panel, you can see three directories. I think it is something like this:
go to the /root (or whatever is on top) and go into library. then scroll down in /root/library to a folder labeled "themes." create a new folder in that labeled "custom icons" or somthing else of your choice. this will be the theme that you can see in summerboard/winterboard.

go into that folder and make a new folder called "Icons". once you have that folder, you can ssh a few png files into that, and those will appear as your icons. please note that standard ipod icons are 60 X 60.

find an icon that you want to replace the App Store icon, and name it "App Store" and put it in that folder. make sure that throughout this whole process you dont include the quotation marks. once you have done that, get on your ipod and open the app "Winterboard" (or Summerboard if that is all you have). find your theme "custom icons" and turn it on. any icons you put into that theme will change after a quick respring.

Hope this helps! look at my threads and see if you can help me please!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2011
well i got the 1g jb'd, the first responce there was right, it already had ios 3, so that wasnt a problem, just need to plug it in again, and yea, any help i can get with the ssh would be great, and ill have a look i just be able to help u out


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2011
well i downloaded a set of png icons, but i cant change their names, or put them into my ssh window :(
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