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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2008
New York City, NY
OK, so i have an iPhone 3G running 2.1..I know 2.2 should be coming out soon and it isn't really worth jailbreaking now considering ill have to wait for the jailbroken 2.2 version to come out anyway.

I have jailbroken 2.0 and restored back to official OS a few weeks after because of the lack of applications from Cydia. For everyone running jailbroken 2.1, is it stable? any lags or crashes? my official 2.1 is running perfectly with absolutely no problems, no lags, hardly any crashes, nothing. Would it be worth jailbreaking 2.2 when its available? I'm thinking about jailbreaking again because i want the tethering app and the video recording app, and a few others too.

Also, I jailbroke the first time using the Pwnage tool on my Mac, but now my phone is fully synced with my Vista computer and not my mac. Is jailbreaking as easy on windows as it was using pwnage tool on mac? what program is used to jailbreak on windows?

I want to jailbreak again but I don't know if it's really worth it. Is 2.1 jailbroken stable? help me outt, thanks.
I haven't had any problems with my 2.1 jailbroken phone. I like quickpwn for jailbreaking and you can use it on Mac or Windows.
I don't mean to hijack your thread, but since we're on the subject:

When you jailbreak your phone, does everything function exactly the same way as before you jailbroke it? For example, after you jailbreak, can you still sync all your downloaded applications and get new apps from the app store?

What happens when Apple releases a new version of the firmware after you jailbroke your phone? Do you have to unjailbreak it, update the legit firmware and wait for them to come out with 2.2 jailbreak software before you can jailbreak it again?
I don't mean to hijack your thread, but since we're on the subject:

When you jailbreak your phone, does everything function exactly the same way as before you jailbroke it? For example, after you jailbreak, can you still sync all your downloaded applications and get new apps from the app store?

What happens when Apple releases a new version of the firmware after you jailbroke your phone? Do you have to unjailbreak it, update the legit firmware and wait for them to come out with 2.2 jailbreak software before you can jailbreak it again?

A jailbroken phone doesn't behave any differently than a non jailbroken phone. You can still purchase app store apps from the phone or computer and you can still sync your phone with itunes without any problems. When a new firmware comes out if you want it you'll have to install it and rejailbreak. The dev team is very quick about releasing jailbreaks for new firmwares.
I don't mean to hijack your thread, but since we're on the subject:

When you jailbreak your phone, does everything function exactly the same way as before you jailbroke it? For example, after you jailbreak, can you still sync all your downloaded applications and get new apps from the app store?

What happens when Apple releases a new version of the firmware after you jailbroke your phone? Do you have to unjailbreak it, update the legit firmware and wait for them to come out with 2.2 jailbreak software before you can jailbreak it again?

yes and i believe you can just update thru your jailbreaking app.
I haven't had any problems with my 2.1 jailbroken phone. I like quickpwn for jailbreaking and you can use it on Mac or Windows.

^ I am with him.

As to whether or not things function the same, yes, everything works jailbroken as it should.

What happens when Apple releases a new version of the firmware after you jailbroke your phone? Do you have to unjailbreak it, update the legit firmware and wait for them to come out with 2.2 jailbreak software before you can jailbreak it again?

Yes, correct on all points. You can, however, make a backup of say, your jailbroken 2.1 phone normally via itunes. Then, when the new jailbreak software comes out, restore your phone to the newest stock firmware, re-jailbreak, download the jailbreak settings you had before (like 5 icon dock, if your backup had 5 icon dock previously), then restore from your jailbroken 2.1 backup and everything should be good and you lose no data. There are guides out there on this, as well as how to backup your Cydia apps as well.

And if you need help pwning and are using Windows, my guide here could be of some help:

Good luck!
yes and i believe you can just update thru your jailbreaking app.

Nope, you can never upgrade the firmware if you're jailbroken; this deletes the jailbreak. You always have to restore with the newest firmware, re-pwn, then restore from backup. If you google around, or go to, there are many guides on how to properly Upgrade your jailbroken phone to the newest firmware, problem-free.
Why does the OP think 2.2 is coming out soon? Its just gone into beta, meaning it will be at least a month or two. And if that seems like soon, it seems every update is only a month or two away since the iphone/touch have been released.
Just jailbreak now an love it:)
Why does the OP think 2.2 is coming out soon? Its just gone into beta, meaning it will be at least a month or two. And if that seems like soon, it seems every update is only a month or two away since the iphone/touch have been released.
Just jailbreak now an love it:)

thanks for all the responses..I gunna wait it out until 2.2 comes out, wait for jailbroken 2.2 to come out..then jailbreak my phone. I have another question, where/how do I download a new jailbroken OS? like 2.0.2 when it came out, or 2.1. I remember on pwnage tool on my mac, i downloaded the jailbroken OS file and restored my phone to that file specifically. How is it done on windows using Quickpwn??
I was overly cautious about jailbreaking, and took a long time to do it.

Now that I'm in though, I'm in for as long as this trip will take me.

In other words, as far as I'm concerned, it will always be worth it! If you don't like something that a program does, uninstall it, or worse case scenario, restore your phone.

The worst thing that I have experienced is a little lag from themes, and IntelliScreen. After turning off the themes, and uninstalling IntelliScreen, all is well.
thanks for all the responses..I gunna wait it out until 2.2 comes out, wait for jailbroken 2.2 to come out..then jailbreak my phone. I have another question, where/how do I download a new jailbroken OS? like 2.0.2 when it came out, or 2.1. I remember on pwnage tool on my mac, i downloaded the jailbroken OS file and restored my phone to that file specifically. How is it done on windows using Quickpwn??

quickpwn is only the tool for jailbreaking (it takes you step by step so dont worry). You have to provide your own fresh copy of the 2.2 firmware (google will be your friend once it is released ;))
quickpwn is only the tool for jailbreaking (it takes you step by step so dont worry). You have to provide your own fresh copy of the 2.2 firmware (google will be your friend once it is released ;))

Ok, so im downloading quickpwn now, when i want to update my firmware, lets say 2.1 to 2.2..but i want the 2.2 version to be jailbroken, how do i go about this? i need to supply a 2.2 file already for quickpwn? and then the program does stuff and jailbreaks it for me and gives me a jailbroken 2.2 file? or is there a file that i download from somewhere of a jailbroken 2.2 confused on that subject..I cant remember exactly how i did it with pwnage tool on mac.
Ok, so im downloading quickpwn now, when i want to update my firmware, lets say 2.1 to 2.2..but i want the 2.2 version to be jailbroken, how do i go about this? i need to supply a 2.2 file already for quickpwn? and then the program does stuff and jailbreaks it for me and gives me a jailbroken 2.2 file? or is there a file that i download from somewhere of a jailbroken 2.2 confused on that subject..I cant remember exactly how i did it with pwnage tool on mac.

well if you plan on waiting to jailbreak until 2.2 is out, just cancel that download right now. Your gonna have to wait until the pwnage tool supports 2.2.

They are usually very quick about updates to the pwnage tools tho.
so everytime a new firmware comes out i have to redownload the pwnage tool application on my computer? ok, so how about the actual OS do i get the jailbroken one? I need the official 2.x file first? and the program jailbreaks it for me? and gives me a 2.x jailbroken file? and i restore using iTunes with that file? thanks
Why does the OP think 2.2 is coming out soon? Its just gone into beta, meaning it will be at least a month or two. And if that seems like soon, it seems every update is only a month or two away since the iphone/touch have been released.
Just jailbreak now an love it:)

I agree with this. 2.1 jailbreak is completely safe and stable, why not just go ahead and try it now and see if jailbreaking is for you? That way, when 2.2 comes out, you'll know if you wanna start fresh with it stock, or continue to stay jailbroken. It doesn't take but 2-3 days before the jailbreak teams come out with support for newer firmware anyways. :)
I agree with this. 2.1 jailbreak is completely safe and stable, why not just go ahead and try it now and see if jailbreaking is for you? That way, when 2.2 comes out, you'll know if you wanna start fresh with it stock, or continue to stay jailbroken. It doesn't take but 2-3 days before the jailbreak teams come out with support for newer firmware anyways. :)

I have jailbroken 2.0 before and then restored it back to stock cuz of the lack of cydia apps..but now that more and more apps are coming out i want to jailbreak again. Im actually going to jailbreak right now..and just restore and then jailbreak 2.2..where do i find the 2.1 OS file download?
I have jailbroken 2.0 before and then restored it back to stock cuz of the lack of cydia apps..but now that more and more apps are coming out i want to jailbreak again. Im actually going to jailbreak right now..and just restore and then jailbreak 2.2..where do i find the 2.1 OS file download?
cant tell you that on this site, but google/torrents are your friend;)
cant tell you that on this site, but google/torrents are your friend;)

Out of curiosity, is it against the rules? If it is, i wasn't aware of it and will promptly remove it, but i don't see why it would is legitimate, straight from Apple's servers. :confused:

EDIT: nvm, i re-read the forum rules, and posting the 2.1 ipsw is not a violation of any of the rules.
Out of curiosity, is it against the rules? If it is, i wasn't aware of it and will promptly remove it, but i don't see why it would is legitimate, straight from Apple's servers. :confused:

Im not 100% sure, but i dont think most of us get our firmwares from apples servers.

edit: i think its fine as long as you get it straight from apple, anywhere else and you can get into some trouble (at least i think, id rather air on the safe side)
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