OK, so i have an iPhone 3G running 2.1..I know 2.2 should be coming out soon and it isn't really worth jailbreaking now considering ill have to wait for the jailbroken 2.2 version to come out anyway.
I have jailbroken 2.0 and restored back to official OS a few weeks after because of the lack of applications from Cydia. For everyone running jailbroken 2.1, is it stable? any lags or crashes? my official 2.1 is running perfectly with absolutely no problems, no lags, hardly any crashes, nothing. Would it be worth jailbreaking 2.2 when its available? I'm thinking about jailbreaking again because i want the tethering app and the video recording app, and a few others too.
Also, I jailbroke the first time using the Pwnage tool on my Mac, but now my phone is fully synced with my Vista computer and not my mac. Is jailbreaking as easy on windows as it was using pwnage tool on mac? what program is used to jailbreak on windows?
I want to jailbreak again but I don't know if it's really worth it. Is 2.1 jailbroken stable? help me outt, thanks.
I have jailbroken 2.0 and restored back to official OS a few weeks after because of the lack of applications from Cydia. For everyone running jailbroken 2.1, is it stable? any lags or crashes? my official 2.1 is running perfectly with absolutely no problems, no lags, hardly any crashes, nothing. Would it be worth jailbreaking 2.2 when its available? I'm thinking about jailbreaking again because i want the tethering app and the video recording app, and a few others too.
Also, I jailbroke the first time using the Pwnage tool on my Mac, but now my phone is fully synced with my Vista computer and not my mac. Is jailbreaking as easy on windows as it was using pwnage tool on mac? what program is used to jailbreak on windows?
I want to jailbreak again but I don't know if it's really worth it. Is 2.1 jailbroken stable? help me outt, thanks.