I haven't run into this issue as I've never tried aliases or folders with dots in the name.
Just did some searching. Since I've been using fastmail, the server address I use for IMAP has been mail.messagingengine.com (for both IMAP and SMTP). It looks though that last year at one point they added a new option - imap.fastmail.com and smtp.fastmail.com. To use these you have to generate an app password unique for each client.
I just tested it on my Mac:
With the old setup, mail.messagingengine.com I created a folder under Inbox in Mail.app "test.sub2"
With the new setup, imap.fastmail.com I created a folder under Inbox in Mail.app "test.sub3"
This is the result (on Mail.app and in the browser at Fastmail.com):
So with the new IMAP server settings, it looks like the client side can create folders with dots in the name.
Regarding the dots in usernames & aliases, it looks like they do support it for custom domains:
Just tried making an alias '
test.user@mydomain.com' and it works when I send mail to it.
Hope that helps.
Wow, great. Thanks for testing!
I just may one of these days create a custom email, rather than rely on
firstname.lastname@me.com (aka
@icloud.com) and
firstname.lastname@outlook.com ones I currently do.
My method of dealing with mail is quite old school though. But I find it keeps helping me with archiving at the end of each year.
For example, when I order something I create a subfolder using a certain naming scheme (e.g.
Apple order: (2017.01.01.Wed) MacBook Pro 2016 – a little long, but it's great for clarity weeks/months/years later if I have to find it again) and nest it under primary folder (e.g.
orders 2017 ) on IMAP email.
At the end of each year, I then archive all the primary folders (with all these subfolders under them) outside of my IMAP email, in a separate
email archive folder in my main docs archive (where all my non-email docs reside) which is backed-up of course.
This keeps my IMAP email from getting massive and overridden with all the stuff from years before, and helps protect me from corruption of old stuff, should any IMAP server go mad in the year I'm in, which I'd have to sort through and fix manually. If I ever need to find old stuff, I can either go to My Docs 2017 archive folder and manually hunt for it, or simply spotlight search for it.
It's not a fail safe idea (no system is, I suspect, lol!), and I do create a quite a lot of subfolders each year. But I find it personally helps me to clear-out my email headspace!
The only problem is that Gmail users who use their "tagging" concept, are limited in the length and chars allowed for tags on the service. Hence why I don't use Gmail's email service, as it also doesn't work well with clients I found (apart from having a Gmail email account to use to log-in to basic Google services, e.g. YouTube, et al.).
I know others have the so-called, 'never-ending inbox' idea, but this just confuses the heck out of me, endlessly searching for related emails (often from several differing email contacts for a project). Though these users often deal with 100s/1000s of emails a day, so have no chance to sort as per my method.