Mr. Cook,
While I'm among the many loyal Apple fans that we're desperately awaiting the release of new MacPros, I am honestly baffled by today's offering. With all due respect it just feels like Apple is completely abandoning the professional market. I know you agree with me when I say that this MacPro update was barely that. At minimum we all thought we would get Sandy Bridge Xeons, USB3, SATAIII, PCI 3.0 and Thunderbolt. These MacPros are 2+ year old hardware. The Final Cut X disaster was bad enough, we didn't ask for it, we all still want a real FCP8. I don't know a single person that is even considering taking a look at FCPX anytime in the foreseeable future. It feels like Apple is begging us to leave and move to Windows. So we plead with you, at least tell us where the MacPro is going, or if it is even staying around? People that I know are jumping ship left and right. I know the majority of Apple's customers are consumers purchasing iPhones and iPads, but without the professional market under them, I feel Apple will eventually topple upon itself. I feel hurt and betrayed by the company that has raised and nurtured me throughout the early stages of my professional career. All we want is the baddest machine Apple can make and the best software to run on it. Lately, Apple has been coming up very short on both ends as far as the professional market is concerned. Also, what's up with the 17" MacBook Pros? We need those too.
I apologize if you take offense by any of this email. I just love Apple products and I want things to stay that way, I just feel a bit ignored, as many others do.
Sincerest thanks for your time,