The million dollar homepage and this app are not affiliated. At the time (2005) the idea of per pixel advertising was a novel gimmick, which is why it gained media attention and got a lot of hits.
No, it's not related except for the idea. I can tell you the story behind the Million Dollar App, so you know why I'm doing it.
Me and my partner are gamers and love playing computer games. That's why 5 years ago we had this idea for the biggest gaming-related web site, which would cover all games for any platform ever made. It was going to be the IMDB of games. For 5 years we've been filling the database - titles, screenshots, genres, release dates, platform information, reviews... This was a huge amount of work we did it.
What happened at the end?
Guys.. let me present to you the biggest and most complete gaming database on the internet:
The site also has many social features, news, articles, events and many more.
We did it, but this is just the beginning.
Unfortunately, the financial crisis is quite bad and it's almost impossible to find investors. And we need an investment, because the cost of the servers is high and we have to work on external projects just to support the site. Working on external projects is not good, because we can't spend all of our time working on UGDB. The rest is history. You should know that the money I may get from the Million Dollar App will be spent on something useful. You can help UGDB just by downloading the Million Dollar App, so it's rating can go up and / or spread the word.
BTW, here's the current stats of the application:
We haven't hit the Business top 100 in the US yet, but we are on it.
US Store - 134 (up 14 positions)
Germany - 131
UK - 127
Croatia - 127
France - 115
Hong Kong - 98
Netherlands - 94
Australia - 77
Austria - 56
Indonesia - 31