Yes, the TG Pro free trial. It installs a menu bar item that shows temperature and fan RPM speed. Click on the menu bar item and you get very detailed info about temperature, and some options for controlling the fan. I'll probably buy it.
Intel Power Gadget is totally free. It doesn't give as much temperature info as TG Pro, and doesn't have a menu icon. But it's free and it does a very good job of monitoring CPU power, speed, and utilization.
I recommend both, and also "Turbo Boost Switcher". It allows you to disable turbo boost mode, which allows the system to run less hot and may extend battery life. Turbo Boost Switcher is available in a totally free version, or a "pro" version with some convenient features for $10. I've been using it for a week, really like it, and will probably get the pro version.
Just curious, but what App do you use for determining temp? I have one that does general performance monitoring, and I haven't seen my MBP 2014 go above 31ºC. Not questioning you, I'm trying to learn what people use as standards
I'd like to know what to use too, I'd like to see what my 2014 MBP gets to too, before my MBA gets here.
Not that I'm particularly worried or anything, but it'll be interesting to see the difference!