Hi There, if you ever see this, please let me know what you did to make it work, thank you so much!! (I'm stuck with El Capitain but same message..)Thanks for all of your posts. I'm in the same situation (tried to reset my 2011 iMac but after erasing and trying to reinstall I got the message that "a required download is missing) and am trying command-opt-r. Globe is spinning. I think the bar is moving and there's a 24:00 underneath.
Edit: I tried changing the date and that didn't work either.
Edit 2: Restarted the internet recovery and it made it through but it hangs up after starting to install OS X Lion and says "can't download the additional components needed to install Mac OS X.
Guess I'll try to create a USB start up?
Nothing from the above answers worked... My globe with 24:00 spins forever...
Thanks a lot!