Some of you DO get and and I think that most of you DON’T get it.
some of us DO want the 1TB iphone
( that’s the one I’m buying )
And honestly we might not need all that space but we do want to have it.
even at the Apple store the girl employee ask me
“Why do you need all that space?”
seriously, Apple employees are not supposed to ask such question.
“none of your business if I actually need all that space or not or if I really need all that space”
I wanted to tell her, but, I kept my calm and just told her “Yep” *.
Long story short…
“The hell (MOST OF YOU’S) you’s want to know why do we want the 1TB?
then we should ask YOU’S the same question “why do YOU choose the hard drive space you chose?” Huh? Huh? Huh?
the ones that chose the 1TB: PERFECT CHOISE.
yeah, yeah, I could imagine the comments now…
-“you do you…”
or stuff like that.
I’m just writing to let some of you know that we choose the 1TB cause we have different reasons and it’s none of your business whether we need it or not, or whether we want it.
Whatever you comment, whatever.
I didn’t write it to convince you just to tell you.
ok, here we go with the comments in
( and write )