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macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2011
I can afford a lot of things, or else why do I have so many Apple products, a $40,000 minivan, and the plan to get a new BMW? My parents pay for my university.

First of all, I'm sorry you own a minivan. My sincere condolences, but that doesn't excuse you from having to format your papers just like everyone else.

However, Pages is perfectly capable of making a paper in 12 point font, Times New Roman, with 1" margins. I suggest you just learn how to do the formatting instead of buying Word.

Shift Option K

macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 26, 2013
OK I just export it docx on Pages but my profs noticed something off in one of the things I typed so they asked me if I used word I said I use pages so they now tell me to get proper word


Jul 11, 2006
OK I just export it docx on Pages but my profs noticed something off in one of the things I typed so they asked me if I used word I said I use pages so they now tell me to get proper word

The export to word function doesn't always work perfectly, so you probably want to either actually use word or at least use word to check the conversion before you turn it in, I'm sure your school has computer labs with word on the computers for you to use.


Spending money on a Surface solely to use for Word is unfathomable to me. Why would you shell out more money on something for that purpose when your Mac can run Word just fine? Either you have no common sense or you're being a troll.

$399 for a Surface 2, which runs it's free version of Office just fine, and gives you on the go internet access. A license for a copy of Office Home costs just a little under half that.

If I were a really hardcore Apple fan, wanted a machine to run Office on so I wouldn't "besmirch" my Mac, and my parents were buying me stuff...hell, I could think of worse things to spend money on.


macrumors G3
Aug 19, 2008
The Anthropocene
The export to word function doesn't always work perfectly, so you probably want to either actually use word or at least use word to check the conversion before you turn it in, I'm sure your school has computer labs with word on the computers for you to use.

The OP may also have remote access to a virtual windows machine. In which case all the writing can be done in the program of choice with quick access to a remote VM for the conversion. My undergraduate University offer such a thing.


macrumors 68000
Jul 23, 2008
Beach Cities, CA
Wow, things have changed. I graduated from college (UCLA) in 2004 and there never was a strict guideline on what software or font. The only requirement was 12pt font, inch margins and double-spaced. Also, I never handed anything electronically everything was printed.

Anyway, like the general consensus, it's rather silly to spend so much on something when you can do it for far cheaper. I mean, you can even type it on Pages, go to the library and cut-n-paste on the Word on that computer.

Shift Option K

macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 26, 2013
I'm going to try Word for SkyDrive as I have a Microsoft account. I finally figured out how to solve this problem.


macrumors 68000
May 29, 2011
I want extreme brand loyalty to Apple so I am sticking to pages on my Mac, so I guess it's time to buy a Surface or whatever cheap Windows machine I can find just for MSO.

I missed this the first time around and it made me chuckle. You know what would show more brand loyalty to Apple, while sticking it to MS? Torrenting MS Office 2011 for Mac. Better to get it and use it for free. Way better than iWork, minus Outlook. Outlook for Mac is a stinking turd.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2007
America's Third World
Hope your reports are text only...

Actually, Word Online does "pictures"...


Not sure about footnotes and such however...


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
To the OP: The vast majority of the working world uses Word; that is why every Apple computer I have ever owned has had a licensed copy of Office for Mac on it; I want what I write to be easily accessible to whoever has to read it.

Seriously, buy Word - it is not especially expensive - and submit your essays in the format requested by your college. This makes life a lot easier for your professors, your college and yourself.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2007
America's Third World
It does, but only in a very limited fashion. I'm not sure a document with a ton of pictures placed and spruced up in Pages will open properly in Word Online. Not without potentially ruining your positioning.

True, but the stand-alone version of Word does its share of mangling as well.

Probably best to stick with add inline images on Pages rather than getting fancy and using floating etc., if you want to import into other formats...
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