I took 10.10 ACTC recently, few days ago. I don't know what the cut off day is, but I think it's end of June.
Can you give us a hint of how many questions are there? And how long will the exam be.
I Will be taking the exam either in san francisco or san diego 2nd week of june. Can anyone recommend a good testing centre? Hopefully i can get over with the jetlag as it will be a 14hrs flight.
If i fail do i have a second chance to retake it? And for how many days i will have to wait to be able to retake the exam again?
Been practising the reviseIT app and getting always a passing score. I also been reading slowly and understanding the acsp book from peachpit - hopefully those two above would be enough for me to pass. I have been a mac user for a long time but never had taken any support apple certifications.
I've just passed the ACSP 10.11 a minute ago. Per the advice here, I've taken it in V.2 Consulting (they were very accommodating) in the heart of San Francisco.
Thank you all who have helped and gave hint. Those two apps (iLearn and ReviceIT) are really helpful though!
Good job.
Did you take 10.10 prior to this as well or no?
I was wondering if there is just a generic "private access Code" for pearson vue to be able to purchase the ACSP 9L0-422 exam. Currently your are not able to purchase it. I contacted Pearson Vue and they told me that the exam is available only with a "Private Access Code" given by apple...has anyone encounter this ..thanks