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Worked for me. I had a bit a of delay because i didnt have a text editor. But i got one and now i have a battery %
Has anyone successfully done this and then unjailbroke (is that a word?!). I managed to do this and unjailbreak, but the setting doesn't seem to get backed up, so after restoring it's gone.
Has anyone successfully done this and then unjailbroke (is that a word?!). I managed to do this and unjailbreak, but the setting doesn't seem to get backed up, so after restoring it's gone.

I tried that as well and it disappeared too. Oh well.
Has anyone successfully done this and then unjailbroke (is that a word?!). I managed to do this and unjailbreak, but the setting doesn't seem to get backed up, so after restoring it's gone.

In the youtube video information describing the same hack (video) he describes a way to do it without jail breaking, if that's what you're interested in. I think you just option click (mac) restore with iTunes and install the file you download from youtube. Haven't tried it but seems logical.

Hope this helps.
Another way to avoid SBSettings and still get the toggle is with Show Battery Percentage from the source I got this info from a post on page #2 of this forum (link). It's first posted in message #11. The toggle is placed in Settings>General>Usage just like the official 3GS switch.

I can't compare battery drain with this versus manually editing the .plist because I've only tried what's post above. The one thin I have noticed is he numeric percentage is usually lower than what the standard bar is showing. Last night the percentage was showing 48% but when I plugged the phone into the wall the large battery icon clearly showed slightly more than half battery charge.
Here the better way to do this with out use pc just iphone

add the source: in cydia and download asBattery

reboot and then go to Settings -> General -> Usage and it will be right there

this will show the 3gs battery percentage for all 3g and 2g iphones

I did this and it worked, but after looking at the M68AP.plist file, the gas-guage-battery key is not listed. Any idea of how this could have worked?

UPDATE: I uninstalled the package and rebooted my phone. Battery percentage is gone. I went ahead and installed iFile and added the key manually
by using the instructions on the link and...wait for it...copying and pasting the key into the M68AP.plist file.
In the youtube video information describing the same hack (video) he describes a way to do it without jail breaking, if that's what you're interested in. I think you just option click (mac) restore with iTunes and install the file you download from youtube. Haven't tried it but seems logical.

Hope this helps.

Unless I'm missing something, he describes the usual way of jailbreaking and editing the plist...
asBattery on my 2G iPhone made my battery life decrease by 10% in about 30 minutes. When I removed asBattery, it stopped draining so fast.

I did a google search and came up with others having the same problem with this.
im on windows, sorry for the confusion.
pledit is what seems to be working for everyone (on different forums as well) but it just isn't working for me. im obviously doing something wrong.

it would be incredible if somebody could upload their battery percentage M68AP.plist file for me to use!

hopefully that works. I did it a couple weeks ago and it works great! Good luck.
this will probably be the 10th time I've posted this and probably the 20th thread on this site about the same issue but might as well do it again for everyone who can't find the search forum button up top.

with your jailbroken iDevice in Cydia add the source then download the package Show Battery Percentage...this will add the official Apple toggle and fix any issues with battery drain. No need to mess with your files. Simple and easy just the way we like it! Enjoy.
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