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macrumors 65816
Nov 20, 2003
What does this mean? The slashdot crowd hasn't even weighed in on this yet (11:00 PM central).

Does this mean that Gimp is going to get a major overhaul?

Will I be able to get a less expensive version of CS?

Will I be able to compile my own CS (holy crap!)?

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
Fiveos22 said:
What does this mean? The slashdot crowd hasn't even weighed in on this yet (11:00 PM central).

Does this mean that Gimp is going to get a major overhaul?

Will I be able to get a less expensive version of CS?

Will I be able to compile my own CS (holy crap!)?

I don't think it means much at this point. Depends on where it goes... Mostly I see data structures, and pieces of a grammar and parsing engine. What I don't see is the source for any filters or transforms or anything high level.

Of your questions, your GIMP question might be the closest to the extent that this information allows them to become more compatible. It won't add features as far as I can tell, but it might allow GIMP to work with and export to Photoshop, for example.

It looks like they're just putting their toe in the water-- not sure what Adobe hopes to gain from this... Apple managed to get a developer community to focus on something much more complex (Darwin) but Adobe put out a bunch of stuff that doesn't seem that special or interesting.

I guess what I mean is when people hear "Adobe" they don't think "multiply linked data structures"...

Maybe I'm speaking too quickly-- I don't know what the Adam/Eve engines do really and they might be more powerful than they appear from the top levels of documentation. My guess is that Adobe is looking for help in keeping these engines secure and bug free, which would be a very good use of open source.

Maybe this is their plug-in interface, which would also be a very good use of open source.

It's an interesting trend though, and probably a good one-- look at your IP, decide what is really important to keep proprietary, and open the rest up. That's good, I think. Adobe's page itself seems to suggest they're trying to give utility classes that help extend STL.


macrumors 65816
Nov 20, 2003
Thanks Analog Kid,

Slashdot finally put it up this morning and the open source widgets are having their say here
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