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Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
Although I depend on their apps to get my days work done, I'm starting to get a little cheesed-off with Adobe at the mo.

I very much would like to see CS 1.1 apps fixed before they go charging off with CS2, particularly the buggy-as-hell Illustrator 11. Acrobat 6 too...

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Sometimes I've very pleased with their products. Sometimes I'm mightily annoyed. I spent months trying to get an Acrobat problem resolved and their customer service was the worst I have ever encountered. I finally bought Photoshop CS this year and I'm very pleased with it. So our love/hate relationship continues.


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2005
Oh, lookie, a place to vent about Adobe...

I have been using Photoshop since 2.0 and CS was by far the most disappointing upgrade so far... the added features are very minor and they broke a few things... the type tool is less useful than it was in 7.0 - that irritating underline can't be hidden, so text below 9 points is impossible to read while typing... you can't drag downwards to select the entire line of text, so if the text runs off the screen, there is no way to select all the text in the line. The other thing that changed for the worse - the transform functionality was totally botched - maybe the handles are more sensitive? I find myself moving rather than scaling all too often - and skew text rather than moving it.

Come on, is moving really transforming? Who uses the transform command to move something? And what serious designer skews text?

I'm also bitter that they dropped LiveMotion... I bought Flash MX but the interface is so awful I still find myself using LiveMotion to create projects that have to be completed on a tight deadline...


macrumors 601
Nov 9, 2003
Dress Rosa
they need more consistency if anything between their apps. It feels as if I'm buying several different programs from different companies rather than a suite. MS Office is almost a better suite


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2005
did I mention how Photoshop completely locks up if you copy text from an MS Office app? That was my Photoshop bug of the day...


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
They were first with the most applications on Mac OS X and they've done more for optimisations on it?

Considering that their applications still don't work well, I have my doubts.

Still, we need them and Macromedia was forced to stop offering xRes when it just didn't sell as a competitor to Photoshop. Pity Live Picture.

Yes, Adobe has a good strategy but they're not as great as they would have everyone believe. We know that and they know that.


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
Does anyone really use Illustrator CS to it's abilities to create vector artwork on the scale of photographic portraits?


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Lacero said:
Does anyone really use Illustrator CS to it's abilities to create vector artwork on the scale of photographic portraits?

My Illustrator class instructor does and one of our assignments was to do something of that depth. I'll try to dig up the website, if you're interested.


macrumors 68010
Oct 4, 2003
London, UK
bousozoku said:
My Illustrator class instructor does and one of our assignments was to do something of that depth. I'll try to dig up the website, if you're interested.
I'd be interested to see that

Do you know of any good tutorial sites to get me started with illustrator?
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