I believe what he (or she)
I'm a he.
Even after you stated you were going to call him a dick he returns with more information. Kudos to compuwar!
It's always slightly amusing that those who profess to be most hurt by tone, inuendo or slight are the first to make it personal rather than situational. However, I've been on the 'Net a long time and I'm not thin skinned- I have a feeling that most of those name-calling are pretty young and I did a lot of name calling when I was a kid too.
I'd drink with you but I'm not waiting on you.FWIW
I'm always up for drinking- DC area and N.E. PA regularly, left coast if I'm out doing a speaking gig (San Diego later in the summer, somewhere else in Southern Cal perhaps and probably Portland, OR right after one or both, slight chance of .ab.ca this year if I get a speaking gig there and can get my passport renewal sorted out. I also think there's going to be a Niagra Falls photo shoot in the fall. I'm pretty sure I can find a bartender who won't spit in my drink to bring 'em over...