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macrumors 6502
May 17, 2006
for those prices you might as well just get an mbox and all the software that comes with it no?

Henri Gaudier

macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2005
Yeah TLA

I've found the Tony Larking stuff to be excellent. I'm using a lot of their valve EQ's and compressors but I also have a 5051 Ivory mic pre/eq/comp and it is superb.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Apr 17, 2004
A Stoned Throw From Ground Zero
When I started this thread Digi was not offering any affordable F/W interface.

It may not be perfect, but the new M-Box 2 Pro does look like a great way to get rolling at a somewhat reasonable price.

I'm not sure about the overall quality of the pre-amp section, but at least you
can get yourself up and running in ProTools LE without going too far off the deep end.
It looks like the additional plug-in bundle is well worth the expense.


macrumors 601
Jul 18, 2002
I'm not sure about the overall quality of the pre-amp section
if they're anything like what's on my 002r or my mbox1, then: bleh.

once upon a time, focusrite was a respectable company with good gear. for a number of years now, they've forsaken their pro roots and have put out just a bunch of prosumer crap. imho, of course.

i'm told that they've basically sold rights of use of their name to digi, so digi can design any ol' crap pre and put the focusrite label on it. all marketing, no quality.


btw, Black Lion Audio offers upgrade mods for both the 002 and mbox.

i've heard good things and, one day, i'll probably get the mod done for my 002. (for those keeping score, i already bypass its pre's and conversion with other gear).


Editor emeritus
Jul 10, 2003
Falls Church, VA
Anyone have good suggestions for a non-Digidesign D/A converter solution with quality pre-amps built-in? I have a MOTU 828 (mk1) and am looking for an upgrade. I have mixed feelings about the 828... I feel like I get a bit of noise from it, but I don't know whether that is the 828 itself or whether it is from my mics (AKG 3000B... kind of middle-of-the-road mic...)


macrumors 601
Jul 18, 2002
Anyone have good suggestions for a non-Digidesign D/A converter solution with quality pre-amps built-in?
i assume you meant a/d at least in additional to d/a...

need to know:
1. how many channels you need
2. what your budget is

...though if you haven't already, be sure to check out the stuff from metric halo. haven't used it myself, but have friends who own them and love them, and i'm impressed by stuff they've done with them.


Editor emeritus
Jul 10, 2003
Falls Church, VA
i assume you meant a/d at least in additional to d/a...

need to know:
1. how many channels you need
2. what your budget is

...though if you haven't already, be sure to check out the stuff from metric halo. haven't used it myself, but have friends who own them and love them, and i'm impressed by stuff they've done with them.

Heh... yeah, you know what I meant :p (A->D is more important to me than D->A)

I would like an 8/8 device, and was kind of eyeing this one by MOTU:

Basically, wondering if folks had experiences with it (its new, so other MOTU equipment would also work as well). My software that it would have to work with is DP5


macrumors 601
Jul 18, 2002
Heh... yeah, you know what I meant :p (A->D is more important to me than D->A)
d/a is important for monitoring, certainly.

I would like an 8/8 device
add the metric halo 2882 to your search list. if you'd like, you can head over to and search for metric halo, there are a ton of fans of their products there.

My software that it would have to work with is DP5
DP will work with just about everything. last time i used it was with an apogee unit.


macrumors regular
Feb 2, 2007
Gold Coast, Australia
Just to add, the Dav now have the rack mountable versions.

Also other preamps to look at are:
A-Designs 500 series modules $795 USD
Sebatron (entire product line) $ <1000 USD
Chandler Germanium $1050USD
Great River ME1NV $1075 USD
Daking 52270 C $1350 USD


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Apr 17, 2004
A Stoned Throw From Ground Zero
Thanks Zim and BCains,

All definitely worth considering.

One note about spending money for an 8/8 solution.

That's fine if you are definitely going to be recording a live band or
at least live drums, but I'm finding the majority of home project
DAW work needs 2-4 better quality I/O's

In my situation, I can't imagine needing more than 4 simultanious inputs
at any one time with most work confined to 1 or 2 inputs.

I still think it's more important to establish 2 very good channels
and take it from there as your needs progress.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Apr 17, 2004
A Stoned Throw From Ground Zero
It's tough to decide on where to put your money in any creative venture.

It also takes a lot of soul searching sometimes to determine what you think
you're worth with respect to talent.

For most of us, this is not easy money, so keeping within a certain budget
does become a factor.

However, there are some times when it's wise to save up for something better.


macrumors member
Apr 18, 2007
Just my $0.02...for someone just starting out, I think the M-Audio DMP3 is the best choice at $160. Of the suggestions listed in the OP, the only one I've owned is the GT Brick. After A-B'ing with the DMP3 on several tracks, I personally thought there was not enough difference to justify the $240 difference.

In my opinion microphones affect the sound far more. I started with <$100 Chinese condenser mics and when I bought an AT4040, which is not high-end by any means, the difference was night and day. I would recommend putting most of the money into mics.


macrumors 601
Jul 18, 2002
In my opinion microphones affect the sound far more. I started with <$100 Chinese condenser mics and when I bought an AT4040, which is not high-end by any means, the difference was night and day. I would recommend putting most of the money into mics.
at4040 is a nice mic, actually, very capable.

the "which is more important, mic or pre" topic is a big one, and we've differing opinions. i'd rather use a cheap mic through a great pre than a great mic through a cheap pre. i've found that signals recorded w/ cheap pre's tend to be problematic at mix time. at least with a cheap mic, i can move it around and get a sound i can work with later.


macrumors newbie
Feb 3, 2007
I think that the API 3124+ is one of the biggest bargains in pro audio.

One thing to think about is that they hold their value so well. They go for about $2400 new and never go much lower than $2000 secondhand. I saw a 7year old 3124 go for $2000 the other day. The cheap preamps won't hold their value.

The Daking Mic Pre IV is a nice preamp, another bargain for top quality. It's in the same league as Neve, API etc

I plan to get a Daking Mic Pre IV, 2x API 3124 and a Wunder PAFour to got with my 4x A-Design Pacificas (Awesome :eek:) ) over the next couple of years.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2006
I've got an older original MOTU 828 firewire interface which has two mic pres built in. Anyone think that one of these mic pres described here would make a big difference in what I'm hearing? I record mostly vocals with it, sometimes guitars, though I go direct with guitars mostly.


macrumors member
Apr 28, 2006
For field use, check out the AERCO MP-2:

Transformer goodness. Jerry builds them to order, so very customizable. They're small, easy to power in the field, and sound great. I recently ordered one, which I expect to be in my hands within a couple of weeks.


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2008
mic pre & A - D

I'd like to throw in a plug for some gear a buddy in Chicago turned me on to:
An A-D converter by Black Lion Audio (You can Google them). He was so blown away by their 002 signature mod, he picked up the analog converter (with micro clock), and he's SO sold on it, he's in line for their new mic pre. It's supposed to be "revolutionary".

I hear some big names are picking up on these guys, but they're still way below the radar (no marketing or ads). Has anyone heard any buzz on them?


macrumors member
Nov 5, 2008
I am a huge fan of avalon. There preamps are simply amazing. To give you an idea I was just mixing a show at club in town and the bass player brought along an avalon preamp. I took that signal and we also mic'd the cab. I gotta say the avalon was unreal. We barley had the bass mic in the mix.
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