Just noticed today it went down to 97%. Seems weird to have gone from 100% to 97% in just over two weeks.
Apple's battery health reader isn't "live." The health readout takes an average of approximately the last two weeks of battery health. So it's possible your battery dropped from 100% to 95% over the course of a few days and the battery meter is playing catch up. Regardless, it's completely normal. Additionally, battery health can fluctuate, and it might go back up. My iPhone 13 Pro (124 cycles) was down to 94% and then went back to 97% over the course of a month.
Further, the reason why it stayed at 100% so long was probably because the battery was at 102-103% capacity. Most iOS devices usually start over 100% capacity. So faster drops now may seem faster but its still probably degrading at the same rate, but each % is more noticeable now as you did not see the decline from 103%->100% until it hit 99%.
Lastly, to make things more complicated, besides Apple's readout being an average, its never been super accurate. Coconubattery shows my phone at 102% capacity, while Apple shows it at 97%. 3172/3095mAh. Have you noticed an actual battery decrease or is it just the numbers that are concerning you?
As long as you can reach 500 cycles before reaching 80% its normal. If your health is 80% before 500 cycles, then something is up and Apple will replace the battery under AppleCare+ or limited warranty.