Being new to Mac in all aspects, I thought it would be a good idea to find some Mac forums and do a little bit of reading from consumers on the products. To tell you the truth, after reading through this forum and others, I am SCARED to buy a macbook or macbook pro!

I really want one, I do. But it seems like all you read is negative negative negative. And yes, I understand that this is a forum and in forum's people come to talk about problems and try to get answers. But WOW, it seems like for the most part, ALL I read is NEGATIVE. I have not had experiance with forums for other computer manufacturer's, so they may be the same, I dont know? When I bought my Sony Vaio notebook about a year ago, I did not look at one Sony forum whatsoever. Maybe I would see the same things I am seeing here? Not sure.. All I know is with all of the negative reaction to new apple products it is beggining to make me second guess even buying one? Should I think this way? I know not ALL macbooks and macbook pros are junk, but geez..a lot of people sure do make it sound that way..