I have an iMac 27" 2020 since the release and for weeks now the device kept crashing randomly.
After resetting and everything, I went to the Apple store to try and fix it.
I got it back today, they said that they removed the 2 rams I've installed on top of the base ones, back in 2020, and it's supposed to be working now. But it's not.
I boot it up and it's a grey screen, it keeps restarting and ending up on a grey screen, in a loop.
I'm not sure what to do, I've basically tried everything so far, key combination, reset again and reinstall again and the same problem is still going on. Though now it's not crash anymore it's just completely bricky, can't use it at this point.
I'll call them tomorrow to tell them that but I've wanted to ask for some opinion here meanwhile.