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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 25, 2007
So, i was really excited for a new update (bug fixes and all), and I immediatley upgraded. Now, my iPhone 3G isn't jailbroken, but it was, and I had just restored and was going to rejailbreak it. Right now it's updating, and I decide to go on the iPhone Dev blog, and what do I see, but

iPhone Dev Team said:
We can confirm that this update SHOULD NOT be applied using iTunes if you want the chance of a soft-unlock in the near future.

So, am I screwed from jailbreaking forever?
So, i was really excited for a new update (bug fixes and all), and I immediatley upgraded. Now, my iPhone 3G isn't jailbroken, but it was, and I had just restored and was going to rejailbreak it. Right now it's updating, and I decide to go on the iPhone Dev blog, and what do I see, but

So, am I screwed from jailbreaking forever?

It doesnt mention jb, its talking about soft unlock.
So, i was really excited for a new update (bug fixes and all), and I immediatley upgraded. Now, my iPhone 3G isn't jailbroken, but it was, and I had just restored and was going to rejailbreak it. Right now it's updating, and I decide to go on the iPhone Dev blog, and what do I see, but

So, am I screwed from jailbreaking forever?

lol, better to think twice before upgrading
A quick journey backwards will allow you to really appreciate a jailbroken iphone. Enjoy the new update that 99% of us with JB phone wish we had right now. Admit it jailbreakers!!!!!!!!
Yes, I wish I had the update but really there's nothing in there that I can't wait a week or two for. Overall 2.2 was a big YAWN in my opinion :)
So, i was really excited for a new update (bug fixes and all), and I immediatley upgraded. Now, my iPhone 3G isn't jailbroken, but it was, and I had just restored and was going to rejailbreak it. Right now it's updating, and I decide to go on the iPhone Dev blog, and what do I see, but

So, am I screwed from jailbreaking forever?

Jailbreaking wise you are not screwed. iPhone 3G has the same vulnerability as the 1st Gen iPhone. Both are jailbreakable at any point using Pwnage or QuickPwn. However, as a difference to the 1st Gen, the 3G iPhone is not unlockable at any stage currently.

So by updating to 2.2.0 you just cut your chances of unlocking by a percentage (what that percentage may be I don't know). Jailbreaking, you are still safe, you just can't jailbreak right now because the tools don't support them yet.

Dev Team will update these in a while, just be patient.
Jailbreaking wise you are not screwed. iPhone 3G has the same vulnerability as the 1st Gen iPhone. Both are jailbreakable at any point using Pwnage or QuickPwn. However, as a difference to the 1st Gen, the 3G iPhone is not unlockable at any stage currently.

So by updating to 2.2.0 you just cut your chances of unlocking by a percentage (what that percentage may be I don't know). Jailbreaking, you are still safe, you just can't jailbreak right now because the tools don't support them yet.

Dev Team will update these in a while, just be patient.

jb will prob be out in a week or 2 for 2.2

That's good to know. The Dev Team made it sound like a jb wouldn't be available for 2.2.
This is right from the iPhone Dev Website:

Sir, step away from the keyboard.
So, as anticipated our friends the misfits have recently released the long awaited 2.2 update. We can confirm that this update SHOULD NOT be applied using iTunes if you want the chance of a soft-unlock in the near future.

If you want to keep that option of a ‘soft-unlock in the near future’ available but you want the new features of 2.2, you will be able to update to 2.2 using a PwnageTool created custom ipsw file that disables the baseband update. You will be able to do this using an updated version of PwnageTool that will be released sometime soon.

Some facts -

The 2.2 firmware for 3G contains a baseband update for the 3G iPhone
The 2.2 firmware for 2G (1st gen iPhones) doesn’t contain a baseband update and the baseband is still at 04.05.04
We believe that our Pwnage technique (and therefore the Jailbreak) isn’t affected, but PwnageTool and QuickPwn do not support this release as yet, so DO NOT install 2.2 using iTunes as you will lose your jailbreak
If you apply this update and you previously relied on PwnageTool or QuickPwn to activate your phone, it may become temporarily deactivated and unusable (until we release the new version of PwnageTool or QuickPwn).
PwnageTool and QuickPwn updates will be released as soon as possible that will allow a safe update path to 2.2 the release of these updates is inevitable but not imminent, we are creating the modifications right now and we need to put the new software through the usual testing process.
If you apply this update and you have third-party (non AppStore) applications that you rely on they will stop working.
2G (1st gen) iPhone users who cannot wait for the new PwnageTool or QuickPwn can safely “Update” to 2.2 using iTunes, this will preserve the existing activation. However “restoring” to 2.2 using iTunes will return the iPhone to the unactivated state. If you are in any doubt just wait. NB: This works for 2G ONLY.
The use of SIM-Proxies (small circuit boards/chips that sit underneath the SIM card) to provide GSM/UMTS service on your locked iPhone 3G is a method that we have always advised against. Early reports suggest that the 2.2 update disables the functionality of these devices. The techniques used were always unreliable and we are surprised that they have lasted this long.
We are not working on the 2nd generation iPod touch at the moment, so we cannot comment on what the the 2.2 software update may do to this specific model
So, as always, if you are in any doubt whatsoever please delay the install of this firmware on any of your devices until we have investigated the release in more detail. Watch this space ;-)
Yes, I wish I had the update but really there's nothing in there that I can't wait a week or two for. Overall 2.2 was a big YAWN in my opinion :)

Yeah i can wait. Im not one that needs to have the latest and greatest right away. Waiting for the jailbreak version to come it imo is better than getting the newest firmware the first day.

Who cares if safari has a few cosmetic upgrades......i can record video, have MMS, voice dialer, winterboard and more. Id rather have that while waiting a few weeks for the 2.2 unlock/jailbreak.

A few weeks from now when i can get 2.2, they still wont have any of what i mentioned :D
This is right from the iPhone Dev Website:

Sir, step away from the keyboard.
So, as anticipated our friends the misfits have recently released the long awaited 2.2 update. We can confirm that this update SHOULD NOT be applied using iTunes if you want the chance of a soft-unlock in the near future.

If you want to keep that option of a ‘soft-unlock in the near future’ available but you want the new features of 2.2, you will be able to update to 2.2 using a PwnageTool created custom ipsw file that disables the baseband update. You will be able to do this using an updated version of PwnageTool that will be released sometime soon.

Some facts -

The 2.2 firmware for 3G contains a baseband update for the 3G iPhone
The 2.2 firmware for 2G (1st gen iPhones) doesn’t contain a baseband update and the baseband is still at 04.05.04
We believe that our Pwnage technique (and therefore the Jailbreak) isn’t affected, but PwnageTool and QuickPwn do not support this release as yet, so DO NOT install 2.2 using iTunes as you will lose your jailbreak
If you apply this update and you previously relied on PwnageTool or QuickPwn to activate your phone, it may become temporarily deactivated and unusable (until we release the new version of PwnageTool or QuickPwn).
PwnageTool and QuickPwn updates will be released as soon as possible that will allow a safe update path to 2.2 the release of these updates is inevitable but not imminent, we are creating the modifications right now and we need to put the new software through the usual testing process.
If you apply this update and you have third-party (non AppStore) applications that you rely on they will stop working.
2G (1st gen) iPhone users who cannot wait for the new PwnageTool or QuickPwn can safely “Update” to 2.2 using iTunes, this will preserve the existing activation. However “restoring” to 2.2 using iTunes will return the iPhone to the unactivated state. If you are in any doubt just wait. NB: This works for 2G ONLY.
The use of SIM-Proxies (small circuit boards/chips that sit underneath the SIM card) to provide GSM/UMTS service on your locked iPhone 3G is a method that we have always advised against. Early reports suggest that the 2.2 update disables the functionality of these devices. The techniques used were always unreliable and we are surprised that they have lasted this long.
We are not working on the 2nd generation iPod touch at the moment, so we cannot comment on what the the 2.2 software update may do to this specific model
So, as always, if you are in any doubt whatsoever please delay the install of this firmware on any of your devices until we have investigated the release in more detail. Watch this space ;-)

thanks for this!!!!
That's good to know. The Dev Team made it sound like a jb wouldn't be available for 2.2.

No they didn't. You are just confused regarding the differences between unlocking and jailbreaking.

Unlock = use any SIM you want from any provider
Jailbreak = install non-App Store applications

The upgrade to 2.2 won't affect jailbreak, it is just a matter of waiting a few days for the tools to be updated.
The upgrade to 2.2 will affect unlocking, how and by how much we don't know yet.
So, i was really excited for a new update (bug fixes and all), and I immediatley upgraded. Now, my iPhone 3G isn't jailbroken, but it was, and I had just restored and was going to rejailbreak it. Right now it's updating, and I decide to go on the iPhone Dev blog, and what do I see, but

So, am I screwed from jailbreaking forever?

i take it this is your first upgrade since you got your phone... everyone that has run jailbroken phone knows that you don't upgrade immediately when the update comes out.... if you want that luxury... run official apple firmwares
Just don't think its worth it anymore to bother with jailbraking. More good
apps around than I have the time to mess with as it is.

Wonder when all this contact me anytime, anywhere always connected
society will rebel....the time is coming.
i had been running jailbroken phones for 9 months when fw 2.0 came out. I waited and then jailbroke my 2.0 as well. Honestly, at the time there wasnt anything worth really having it jailbroken other than themes support, and jb2.0 didnt suppor that. I made the decision to do a dfu restore to official 2.0 and have been official ever since. I do miss my themes but thats the ONLY thing that would be a benefit to being jailbroken IMHO.
the themes, insominiax, snapture and backgrounder are a huge plus to me. but the biggest plus for me is being able to add status notifier and homescreen notification etc.

the latest 2.2 is nice but it's not something worth going crazy for. i just wished apple would support some of these really nice JB programs. :(

edit: of course after i write this there's a post about a bug in 2.2 now regarding saving pictures. hmm maybe the upgrade will be awhile.
Screwed in Thailand?

Hi Guys!
My first post! I got an AT&T Iphone 3G in Miami last Sep and moved to Thailand since. I have been using a Proxy sim card on my 3g phone with a local Thai mobile provider. I upgraded to 2.2 and, on top of that I reset(via itines) my phone. I had to put the ATT sim back to register the phone again. Would it work for me again? The Proxy SIM does seen to work and I don't know if my phone is activated.
Any suggestions?
Hi Guys!
My first post! I got an AT&T Iphone 3G in Miami last Sep and moved to Thailand since. I have been using a Proxy sim card on my 3g phone with a local Thai mobile provider. I upgraded to 2.2 and, on top of that I reset(via itines) my phone. I had to put the ATT sim back to register the phone again. Would it work for me again? The Proxy SIM does seen to work and I don't know if my phone is activated.
Any suggestions?

Besides the fact that proxy SIMs are a big no-no advise-wise from the Dev Team, here is what happened to you.

2.2.0 Disables the method proxy SIMS work in the iPhone 3G. The Dev Team warned to use Pwnage to create a custom .ipsw in order to continue using your 3G and keeping your baseband from being updated.

Since you used iTunes, your baseband got updated and that is what is causing your problems.
The 2.2 firmware for 2G (1st gen iPhones) doesn’t contain a baseband update and the baseband is still at 04.05.04

So this means that if I update right now to 2.2, (I am running on 2.1 unlocked now) my phone will still be unlocked, not jailbroken, Which is exactly what I want. I was under the impression that the 2.2 updated all basebands.
Clarify if you can please
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