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Oops, one last question: After I type in the command, do I hit return?

Just an aside, have you considered using DropBox instead of AirDrop? Better than futzing around with the command prompt.
Thank you for that suggestion. Actually, we have already decided our fall-back plan, if I don't fiddle in Terminal and Apple Support doesn't resolve this, is to just keep a thumb-drive in the Time Capsule's USB port and transfer files between us that way. However, my background concern is that this AirDrop issue is a symptom that my Mountain Lion upgrade did not go well and I can't help but wonder what else is amiss in my system that hasn't shown up yet. Every now and then, for no discernible reason, my desktop will become a patchwork of desktop plus blank white rectangles which corrects itself with a restart.
Any updates on this? I'm experiencing the same issue with a mid 2010 Macbook Pro and Mid 2011 Macbook Air (Pro can see the Air, but not vice versa except if the pro is sending a file to the air). I've not gone through the reboot and such to see if that makes it available for a period of time (i just use dropbox as the backup), but i was curious if you were ever able to find a solution.
Any updates on this? I'm experiencing the same issue with a mid 2010 Macbook Pro and Mid 2011 Macbook Air (Pro can see the Air, but not vice versa except if the pro is sending a file to the air). I've not gone through the reboot and such to see if that makes it available for a period of time (i just use dropbox as the backup), but i was curious if you were ever able to find a solution.

Nope, no solution yet. The latest go around with Apple Support was they had me create a test partition on my hard drive and install a fresh copy of ML but no other programs. AirDrop worked fine in the test partition and they say this rules out a hardware issue (like the wi-fi card) and points to software. They say the only way to determine which program (and of course they are absolutely sure it's a third party program and not one of theirs :rolleyes:) is to erase my drive, reinstall ML and then install my third party programs one by one and see when AirDrop stops working. I'm not willing to go that route just yet. I am going to wait and see if 10.8.5 or 10.9 solve the problem when they are released. AirDrop is such a great tool when it works.
My 2012 rMBP and my friend's latest 2013 rMBP at our school using same wifi and I decided to try airdrop it works great but the file transfer is slow if you have large files. AirDrop is a cool feature. :apple:
I'm having the same issue between my 2011 iMac and 2013 MBP. Hoping this is resolved with Mavericks...we shall see.

I should have updated that my problem was solved by a local service technician and Apple support was correct in pointing the finger at third party software. Apparently Intego Net Barrier was interfering. AirDrop is a wonderful feature and we use it a lot now.
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