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Nope, but I remember having to take stacks of DVDs with me so we could have a choice and also remember getting back home with my expensive DVDs a bit more scratched up and skipping. Dont miss those days one bit.

I was (jokingly) answering the absurd claim from the OP when he said he had to take "the new Apple TV, HDMI cable, remote, Airport Extreme/Express, power cable, and iPad?" so he could watch a movie at his friends. That seems to be a bit more of a faff than carrying a couple of DVDs. I'm all for technology when it makes thing easier but I think we can agree he was barking up the wrong tree with that plan.

Also, if you scratched your DVDs every time you used them you must very, very clumsy. :p
As for the AppleTV gen 1 vs. gen 2; they are completely different beasts. They serve completely different purposes. The gen 1 is a standalone online/offline device. The gen 2 is an "online only" accessory device.

Why can't an AppleTV and an iPad link together without a router? Good question. There is no good reason why not. Bonjour works with self-assigned IP addresses just fine, so even a dumb "Wireless Access Point" with no router and no internet connection would be perfectly sufficient. And jailbreak apps are available to allow iOS devices to act as a WiFi access point; so it's not a technical hardware reason.

It's just Apple's assumption that EVERYONE has WiFi nowadays. Really, it would be nice if AirPlay had a "host a network" feature; either on the AppleTV or the iPhone/iPod/iPad. It would make more sense on the AppleTV. Just add an option in the settings to connect to a WiFi network an option to create one just for AirPlay use.
As for the AppleTV gen 1 vs. gen 2; they are completely different beasts. They serve completely different purposes. The gen 1 is a standalone online/offline device. The gen 2 is an "online only" accessory device.

Why can't an AppleTV and an iPad link together without a router? Good question. There is no good reason why not. Bonjour works with self-assigned IP addresses just fine, so even a dumb "Wireless Access Point" with no router and no internet connection would be perfectly sufficient. And jailbreak apps are available to allow iOS devices to act as a WiFi access point; so it's not a technical hardware reason.

It's just Apple's assumption that EVERYONE has WiFi nowadays. Really, it would be nice if AirPlay had a "host a network" feature; either on the AppleTV or the iPhone/iPod/iPad. It would make more sense on the AppleTV. Just add an option in the settings to connect to a WiFi network an option to create one just for AirPlay use.

How many people are using an Apple TV without a network connection? Give me a break.
Why can't an AppleTV and an iPad link together without a router? Good question. There is no good reason why not. Bonjour works with self-assigned IP addresses just fine, so even a dumb "Wireless Access Point" with no router and no internet connection would be perfectly sufficient. And jailbreak apps are available to allow iOS devices to act as a WiFi access point; so it's not a technical hardware reason.

It's just Apple's assumption that EVERYONE has WiFi nowadays. Really, it would be nice if AirPlay had a "host a network" feature; either on the AppleTV or the iPhone/iPod/iPad. It would make more sense on the AppleTV. Just add an option in the settings to connect to a WiFi network an option to create one just for AirPlay use.
I'd like that - I'd use it to act as a wifi range extender.
Do you also need a CPU running iTunes on the network? I think you do for Netflix but I'm not sure if you are just going iPad > Airplay > AppleTV?
Do you also need a CPU running iTunes on the network? I think you do for Netflix but I'm not sure if you are just going iPad > Airplay > AppleTV?

No. As long as the :apple:TV and the iPad are on (connected to) the same network, you can stream (Airplay). A computer running iTunes is not required.

For that matter, the network does not need to even have any other devices connected to it, including an ethernet connection to the internet. I say that because people earlier asked if the friend had broadband, which strikes me as an odd question. I think they must have meant "high speed network" (e.g. 802.11g/n), because an internet connection is not required to Airplay (just a network connection). An internet connection would be required to use some of the :apple:TV's other features, though (movie rentals/trailers, etc).
Do you also need a CPU running iTunes on the network? I think you do for Netflix but I'm not sure if you are just going iPad > Airplay > AppleTV?

Nope. Not for Netflix and not for iPad/iPhone> Airplay> AppleTV.
I got my new Apple TV for xmas after agreeing a family member could have my old 1st gen ATV.

So I've arrived at a friends house with my new ATV ready to 'airplay' a movie from my iPad for us all to watch - but it won't work. It's just dawned on me that perhaps I need my Airport Extreme, too?! Is that correct?!

If so, that's really, really rubbish. With my old ATV, I'd just chuck it into my bag along with an HDMI cable and the remote. But are Apple seriously suggesting that people now take the new Apple TV, HDMI cable, remote, Airport Extreme/Express, power cable, and iPad? Sod that!!

Big bad mistake if you ask me.

Or at $99, your friends could get their own AppleTVs, and then you only need to carry your iOS device to their houses. That would be Apple's answer. :D
Also, if you scratched your DVDs every time you used them you must very, very clumsy. :p

Seriously! Like your ATV2 is going to get beat up being moved around all over the place. I think the OP is more looking for a fancy way to connect a tv to his iPad in a mobile way. The ATV2 could work but I don't see it as the easiest of solutions. I don't take anything but my iPhone with me. My many apple toys stay at home. Plus I have a better TV than anyone I know so they usually come to my house.
How many people are using an Apple TV without a network connection? Give me a break.

I don't imagine the target audience is large, but they are out there; like the original poster. I know a few people that carry them from place to place as a movie transport device. One carries it when he visits his parents for a week to bring along movies for his kid.

Would ad-hoc wifi (without router) work?

Yes, but neither the AppleTV nor iOS devices have the ability to create an ad-hoc network. (Well, there are some apps for Jailbroken iOS devices that can do it...) But if you create one with a computer (such as a MacBook/Air/Pro,) then connect both the AppleTV and iPod/iPad/iPhone to it, it will work fine, since both the AppleTV and iOS portable will be on the same network.

Heck, there are now apps to both send and receive AirPlay on a Mac. (So you can send video from your Mac to an AppleTV; or receive video from your iOS device TO your Mac.)
Out of curiosity, even though the current software doesn't allow for it anyway, does the Apple TV 2 have the hardware to create an ad-hoc network?
Why can't they create their own network? Why does it all have to go through my Airport?

I know many people that think like this...

"I get internet on my desktop, why can't my laptop get it? / How come I can get wireless internet at this place that has Wifi and not this place that has internet access?"

You can't just create a wireless connection out of thin air. Ad-hoc connections can be made by some devices, but that's a whole different store. Bottom line is, unless you steal wireless internet from someone else, you (or wherever you plan to be) must be paying for internet service, and must have a device that makes that everyday internet service a wireless internet service.

It doesn't necessarily go though your Airport. Many routers exist that turn a basic internet connection into a wireless connection. If a wireless internet connection does not exist, the AppleTV and iPad can not just talk to each other over magic / thin air / higher power / etc... Both devices (the device you want to talk to and the device you use to do the talking) need to be connected to the same network.

For your purposes, it sounds like you'd really like to be using the first generation AppleTV. That, or as mentioned, a direct video-out cable from your iPad.
Ad-hoc doesn't work because it would kill battery life. Your iPad would be dead halfway through your movie.

Anyone who does not have a wireless network in their house shouldn't be buying an Apple TV. Simple as that.
You can't just create a wireless connection out of thin air. Ad-hoc connections can be made by some devices, but that's a whole different store. Bottom line is, unless you steal wireless internet from someone else, you (or wherever you plan to be) must be paying for internet service, and must have a device that makes that everyday internet service a wireless internet service.

Except the poster (johneaston) doesn't seem to be asking about giving the AppleTV and iPad internet access; solely having them connect to each other via WiFi. A perfectly legitimate use of ad-hoc networking. Really, it would be nice if the AppleTV could create an ad-hoc network for the sole purpose of AirPlay streaming in WiFi-less environments. (Although just directly connecting your iPad/etc to the TV really would make more sense.)
I took the ipad to my parents to show them holiday videos and pics that i loaded on to it. I used the component cable which worked great for the videos but the pics dont get displayed - bummer.

I either have to take the vga adapter and cable as well or import the pics to pages before going there or even making a video of the pics.

Therefore the component cable is a good option but unfortunately didn't satisfy all needs.
I took the ipad to my parents to show them holiday videos and pics that i loaded on to it. I used the component cable which worked great for the videos but the pics dont get displayed - bummer.

I either have to take the vga adapter and cable as well or import the pics to pages before going there or even making a video of the pics.

Therefore the component cable is a good option but unfortunately didn't satisfy all needs.
If you jailbreak your iPad there is a Cydia app that allows you to mirror the main display so the telly or whatever will show exactly what is on the iPad.
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