My local Best Buy did not get any in (Holyoke, MA).
Just a heads up, Best Buy currently has them in stock online for free delivery by Wednesday, supposedly. You can't fully trust their stock system, but if it gets pushed back you can cancel the order.
Local BB didn't have any, phone rep didn't have any other info about stock expectations.
Do you have a link? I still get February here.
I'll check my Bestbuy in a bit and report back.
Yeah, sorry, apparently the current batch sold out literally a couple minutes after I placed my order. It was Wed delivery when I first saw it, got pushed to Th by the time I placed it, now it's saying Feb. for new orders.
Report back and let us know if your delivery date holds.
Strange that my Best Buy order from last week still says Backorder with a delivery date of January 30. You would think they'd fill those orders first.
Maybe it is a regional things. My zip code still says February.
Why the heck would BB fulfill orders today and not the ones already ordered beforehand is beyond me.
Looks like BB was just a little slow to update the status of the backorders. Status has updated now.
Mine still says processing and did not change to preparing but above that it says get it by December 21st so we'll see.
Glad I started this thread for feedback. I could have driven to an Apple Store this morning but it is a half hour away and with morning work traffic, even worse so I did not bother.
Mine just switched to "preparing", date says Dec 21st and fine by me since originally it was January 12th. Yippie.![]()
Local Best Buy (Los Angeles) said they're half expecting a truck today, but aren't sure.
Two Apple stores I went to were well out at 10am, stupid me was unaware of the whole 8am deal for the holidays.
A crapshoot at Apple IMHO, I ordered on their website the day they went available and got a shipping date and folks now go to a store and just get them beforehand. Doesn't Apple realize how freaking stupid that is???
It's a lose/lose though. Some people order online because an Apple store is too far away, while for others it's close by. Why should those that work/live near a store not be able to buy them just because others ordered online?
To me ordering online is like reserving them to tell the truth for when they become available, at least that is my thoughts on the matter.
Seems to be that is the way it is currently working with BB. FedEx truck came a little while ago to my local store, no airpods.
This burned me as well. Apple Maps told me 8a, but said 10a. I trusted the website and was sadly let down when I arrived at the store at 9:30aLocal Best Buy (Los Angeles) said they're half expecting a truck today, but aren't sure.
Two Apple stores I went to were well out at 10am, stupid me was unaware of the whole 8am deal for the holidays.