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I started the first test one hour ago. I will measure in 24 hours how much charge the case drains if I don't open it. I charged for 150 minutes, then opened just once to take a photo. After that I closed the charger case. It will not be open during this period.

I did my 2nd full discharge, not counting with the first charge once I received them for the first time. The AirPods are paired to two iPad pros 9.7, the PC (which has BT off, and once activated it connects to the AirPods automatically) and the ATV 4. The ATV 4 needed for me to pair them the first time, even after doing this with the iPads and iCloud, and all these 3 devices use the same Apple ID. If I want to use them again in the Apple TV I need to visit the option CONNECT in the internal settings. The iPads are always ready to use them.

One thing I noticed is that this last time the AirPods drained to zero quickly after showing 5% left. I mean, this time it didn't show 4, 3, 2, 1. Once you have little charge left, the AirPods emit a sound to warn you and right before they are totally discharged, the volume levels are lower, and one of them is muted, while the other is still working, but faint.
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And after 24h, there was no loss of charge. Still 100/100%.

Now I am charging for another 30 minutes, just to make sure, and after that I'll let the Airpods outside the charger case, without using them. And for the test to be accurate, I'll also disable BT in my PC, since it keeps connecting to them everytime it's enabled, automatically. I'll only let BT enabled in my two iPADs, and the ATV, but, as I said, without using. It's paired to all these devices.

One of the iPADs is also connected to the Apple Pencil.
This second test revealed that if left outside the charger case, even without using, the battery from the AirPods is totally depleted (100-0%) in 24 hours.

Since the AirPods continue to broadcast the battery levels and keep showing as CONNECTED at random moments in the last used device, the battery is still being used. The photos show they were left in my drawer, which was closed, and since I couldn't see how much charge was left after being depleted (of course) I had to recharge for a few minutes, that's why it's displaying 23%.

Now I'll do one final test: charge them and the case for 30 minutes, then remove the AirPods from the charger case again. However, this time I'll disable Bluetooth in one of the two iPads. The ATV will not need this, since it's not close enough and if I need to connect to it again, I need to hit CONNECT in the device settings.

The PC will continue to have BT off for the reasons already stated. The second iPad will have BT on, so it will very likely eat battery, the thing is, I can't disable because it's paired to the Apple Pencil, if I do that I'll need to plug the Pencil in the lightning port everytime I want to use it.

What I'll measure this time is how much battery is wasted if in one of the ipads the BT is off for 24 hours. That is a good compromise, to reenable Bluetooth when we want to use the AirPods. It's better than leave them inside the charger case all the time. Just to make sure I'll do another additional test and disable BT in the two iPads, to check how much is drained.
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And here's what I found out: after disabling BT in one of the iPads, after 24 hours the battery was totally depleted. Disabling in 2 also didn't make any difference. This photo shows two percent after I put them back in the case

To my surprise the battery from these AirPods was totally discharged. Maybe it tried to connect with the ATV? Or simply tries to do this to the previous devices once it's paired to them, even if they don't exist anymore? Anyway, I find very odd that is the case, so I'll try to pair them to only one iPad, and remove the pairing from the ATV. All this after I reset them to factory settings. And since they will only be paired to a single device, I'll see if the battery is depleted again under such conditions.

I didn't turn the ATV off because that wasn't necessary. Once the AirPods are out of range they show as disconnected. But yeah, the ATV keeps appearing in the iPad for us to broadcast to it, so that must mean the battery was discharged while it tried to connect with the ATV somehow, even at a long distance.

If this last attempt fails that means we can't let the AirPods out of the case in order for them to be ready to be grabbed quickly as I intended.

P.S. The test has already started. I only paired to one iPad, and my PC (which had BT disabled after this). Now if the battery is depleted it will be a total surprise, since there are no paired devices with BT on.
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Final conclusion: the Airpods can't be separated from the charger case AT ALL. Once we pair them to just one device, they will keep draining the battery and I noticed in 12 hours they discharged completely (100-0).

I paired to one of my iPADs (both use the same Apple-ID), and disabled BT for both. Also paired to my PC, and disabled in my PC. Didn't do this procedure for the Apple TV, to avoid the argument that it was the ATV's fault. So even if there are no devices using BT, this doesn't change anything.

If we are not using, we can't let them outside the charger case. That will result in HUGE drain in very little time. The good thing is that the case charge them really fast, and in standby mode we have negligible waste (using the last firmware and replacing a defective unit, of course).
Final conclusion: the Airpods can't be separated from the charger case AT ALL. Once we pair them to just one device, they will keep draining the battery and I noticed in 12 hours they discharged completely (100-0).

I paired to one of my iPADs (both use the same Apple-ID), and disabled BT for both. Also paired to my PC, and disabled in my PC. Didn't do this procedure for the Apple TV, to avoid the argument that it was the ATV's fault. So even if there are no devices using BT, this doesn't change anything.

If we are not using, we can't let them outside the charger case. That will result in HUGE drain in very little time. The good thing is that the case charge them really fast, and in standby mode we have negligible waste (using the last firmware and replacing a defective unit, of course).

I leave mime outside the case sometimes and while it does drain it drains slow. It took around 10 hours or so to hit 30%. But leaving them outside the case increases your chance of losing them so why would you normally leave them out?
I leave mime outside the case sometimes and while it does drain it drains slow. It took around 10 hours or so to hit 30%. But leaving them outside the case increases your chance of losing them so why would you normally leave them out?
Since I use them most of the time in my room, I only need to extend my arm and grab them, if they are already outside the charger case, of course. I only need to open my drawer and do that.

That's why I conducted all those tests, to make sure this idea would be possible.

The idea of leaving them all the time inside the charger case is not practical for me, the same can be said about plugging the Apple Pencil in the lightning port from the iPAD WHEN I WANT TO USE again in apps such as GoodNotes.

About the latter, I avoid doing that to prolong the lifespan of the Pencil and the iPAD itself, since everytime we are plugging something into the lightning port we are in a way (even if we take great care) taking a risk, I mean in terms of having to replace any one of them due to continuous usage. Things can break without warning.

And the same logic can be applied to the Airpods charger case as well.

I noticed they are not very well built (even if they were, I would still have the same opinion), so if we keep opening many times, and applying the wrong pressure with our fingers, they may one day break in this area:


What I find unfortunate is the fact that we can't really turn these Airpods off once they are paired and outside the charger case. These tests proved that only by being inside the case they don't keep eating battery.

I didn't test if not paired to any device and back to factory settings they waste any battery at all, since that would imply I need to pair them everytime I want to use.

The lack of a switch that turns them off (if outside the case) is bad in my opinion.

The Bluetooth from one of my iPADS is never disabled to prevent the Apple Pencil from needing to pair again by plugging into the Lightning Port. That makes the Pencil always ready for me to use it.

Which means the Pencil wastes some charge each day, say, 5% or less (in case it's not used at all).

Even if it were 20% that would be acceptable, not 100% in 12 or less hours without even enabling Bluetooth, like the Airpods are doing.
The lack of any power buttons on them is exactly why I love them, just taking them out and putting back in case is perfect for how I use them.
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The lack of any power buttons on them is exactly why I love them, just taking them out and putting back in case is perfect for how I use them.
I think a power button isn't needed, just another firmware update to instruct these Airpods to stop trying to connect even after BT is disabled or if you select the device own speakers. At this point we can only prevent what I am suggesting if the Airpods are INSIDE THE CASE. Once paired the Airpods are never "sleeping" if you let them outside the case. I haven't checked if restored to factory settings they waste any battery. If they do not, it doesn't matter for what I am discussing.

So if I am not using them after removing from the charger case, why for the Airpods is all the same?

For example, if the Pencil is paired to my iPAD, if I am not drawing anything, it makes a lot of difference. In a day you can't waste 100% from the Pencil (if paired + not used). As with all Apple devices, they waste battery even if you don't use them.

For the Airpods, in less than 12 hours you do that (according to my tests).
So if I am not using them after removing from the charger case, why for the Airpods is all the same?

So that any device that they're paired to can request to use them, they have to constantly monitor if they've been put back in ear anyway so can't fully turn off.
So that any device that they're paired to can request to use them, they have to constantly monitor if they've been put back in ear anyway so can't fully turn off.
I understand that, what I disagree is that this "constant monitoring" equals = constant use.

If they are back in your ears and audio is being transmitted = they should waste a lot more battery.

Now if they are paired and not being used AT ALL, it must be a flaw to waste so much battery so quickly, and that happens even if I hit disconnect in the paired device or turn BT off.
I see the Airpods have been upgraded to version 3.7.2. It was possible to see the current version in the ATV 4 settings. I wonder what they changed?

Oh, I forgot to post these two pictures:

These are two iPADs Pro 9.7. One is the 256 wifi+cel (uses the Airpods) and the other 128 wifi only. Now combine that image with this one:

As you can see, I never remove the Earpods from the 128 GB model. But I removed the other Earpods I have from the wifi+cel version. That's why I said the Earpods are quickly available for me to use it, I just need to grab and put in my ears.

The Airpods are not, they have to stay inside the charger case, for the reasons I explained. The reason for me to not plug the Earpods every single time I want to use them is the same for not doing this with the Pencil (which is paired and BT never turned off): I want my equipment to last for many years.

You can see that opening and closing the charger case is the same as plugging the Earpods and the Pencil multiple times, don't you? The ideal scenario is for the Airpods to not waste as much battery if outside the case, and not being used.

Consider that last picture from Imgur: I only need to open my drawer and reach for them. Even if in many hours of the same day they aren't used, I can't tell WHEN EXACTLY I'll make use of the Airpods. With the threat of wasting all their battery in a few hours, I have to keep them inside the case at all times. This despite the fact the case charge them very fast.
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Sorry, I just checked into this thread and can't read 22 pages worth. The recent pages are focused on the standby time of the AirPods themselves outside of the case. My question (which was probably answered earlier in this thread) is this: What is the standby time of the case/charger? I have no problem keeping the little AirPods inside of the case at all times when not in use, but I don't use earphones that often, so I'd like to charge the case up and then leave it around for a week or more before I pop it open again to use the headphones.
With firmware updates, the standby issues with the case have been largely resolved. There is a slow drain because the case will trickle charge the AirPods as they themselves drain slowly from a 100% charge down a couple percent over time. Not sure what the total standby time is, though.
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