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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 24, 2015
The Netherlands
What a great, super irritating product this has become.

Even the NY police advised installing it in your car. I bought a 4 pack 4 months back.

I was so happy with it, now I was able to always find my keys again if I lost them. One on my car keys and one on my other keys bundle.

All was good until I started to visit others or be close to other people.

And with that the irritating bit started. Any time I spend some time in a building with other people, or just being anywhere else where lots of people are my AirTag start to make the lost/find sound.

Now if this happened just once I would be cool with it. But this is starting to get out of hand.

When I visit my mom in her elderly home her iPhone notifies her of my AirTag's being in the same room "traveling with her". In this elderly home there is a guestroom for family to sleep in where I sleep. And as you would guess, while nobody is around for meters, one of my AirTag's goes off.

Just being in other buildings where lots of people are and just sitting or being there for some time makes the AirTag's go off.

I am thinking about trashing my AirTag's because of this all.

Am I the only one with these experiences?
  • Sad
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macrumors 68030
Aug 19, 2020
You travel without any iDevice logged into the same AppleID your Airtag(s) is/are linked to? 🤓
What firmware do your Airtags use (the linked page explains how to update too)?


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
I've had this happen when I replaced my phone. I paired one AirTag with my new phone and then others all fell in line. Also happened to my gf too.


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2012
If the iPhone that is linked to your AirTag is with you or nearby, the alarm shouldn't sound. I would reset your AirTags and then make sure the firmware is up to date..
Just to clarify... The AirTag actually isn't linked to your iPhone, it's linked to your Apple ID.

Make sure the iPhone/Find My app is still signed into the same Apple ID that was used to set up the AirTag.

Also, make sure the iPhone is set to be the device that tracks your location. Go to the 'Me' tab in Find My to see what device is used for your location. If says "From This iPhone" with no link under it, you are good. If it says something like "From iPad" with the "Use This iPhone as My Location" link under it, then that other device is being used for your location. Tap the link to change it to be from the iPhone.

So for example, if your iPad is set to be your location and you leave it at home, your AirTags will start beeping after they move away because the two locations aren't in the same area on the Find My network.
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