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macrumors Core
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May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Taken from the Top 5 Movie thread as not to derail it... @Jmona, don't miss the question! :)


Actually yes and no. It started as a short life span for the Xenomorph that Kane gave birth to.
They are like ants doing their queens bidding. However it is also said that the one Alien on the 1979 movie could've also not just being a Drone but a Palatine because Palatines have the ability to molt in to a Xenomorph Queen when exposed to the queens Royal jelly (we didn't see any of that on Acheron upon the arrival of the crew for inspections of the Derelict ship, and all this is based on when we saw the survivors of the Nostromo after being taken by the creature, in a room in which they had already being impregnated by facehuggers, yet. Who laid those eggs to being with.

(Remember Dallas in the extra deleted scenes asking Ripley to kill him?
That's after he actually had been face raped by a Facehugger. More than likely from the Drone/Palatine.

Others like Warriors, Lurkers, berserkers, Spitters and a bunch of other Xeno-species they have all evolved in to something stronger than the initial Drones. The new ones (i.e. Aliens) with the carved a skull.
They all answer to their queens but even the queens and empresses answer to The Mother Queen that Ripley killed in the comics.

Sorry if this is random. I'm pretty sleepy right now. Blame the meds.

I had no clue, fascinating. I know nothing. In my brief research it appears that Dan O'Bannon gets credit for the story written as a screenplay for Alien (1979, see Alien film link), which was later embraced by Dark Horse Comic (1988) based on the the Aliens movie (1986).


Question: I found the Alien Graphic Novel (last link). Without having to read a series of comics, is there a single graphic novel that tells of the initial clash between Colonial Marines and Aliens on LV426 with Ripley, Hicks, Burke, and Newt in attendance?

And what do you think about Prometheus the movie? :):)

There are a whole series of related printed stories as evidenced by this Amazon page.

This might be the entire list of Comics:

List of Aliens Graphic Novels:

Alien, The Illustrated Story sounds very interesting:

And finally it appears we have Dark Horse Comics to thank for bringing Aliens and Predators together, but I've never really cared for these movies:
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macrumors Core
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May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
This is a video I uploaded to YouTube in 2011, a low res 2min Aliens that was floating around the Net in 1992. See the video for credits. I've always liked it. :)

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macrumors Core
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May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Details: ALIEN (2017)


Plot Summary:

It’s uncertain precisely what route the new film will take or if Signourney Weaver will be returning to the franchise.

Alien 5 Update: Is Prometheus 2 Holding Neill Blomkamp Up?

Quote: Ridley Scott, who is the producer on both, is making sure the two Alien films don't contradict each other.

Very little to be found at IMBD.
Prometheus 2 at IMBD.
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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
Hmmm... I enjoy the first two Alien films and just revisited the first Predator in the past day or so. That's all I like from both series.

I am not a fan of Blomkamp at all, but I'd probably rent his take if Sigourney and Michael Biehn are back.


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2015
Taken from the Top 5 Movie thread as not to derail it... @Jmona, don't miss the question! :)
I had no clue, fascinating. I know nothing. In my brief research it appears that Dan O'Bannon gets credit for the story written as a screenplay for Alien (1979, see Alien film link), which was later embraced by Dark Horse Comic (1988) based on the the Aliens movie (1986).


Question: I found the Alien Graphic Novel (last link). Without having to read a series of comics, is there a single graphic novel that tells of the initial clash between Colonial Marines and Aliens on LV426 with Ripley, Hicks, Burke, and Newt in attendance?

And what do you think about Prometheus the movie? :):)

There are a whole series of related printed stories as evidenced by this Amazon page.

This might be the entire list of Comics:

List of Aliens Graphic Novels:

Alien, The Illustrated Story sounds very interesting:

And finally it appears we have Dark Horse Comics to thank for bringing Aliens and Predators together, but I've never really cared for these movies:

About the comics:
There's some that aren't in the omnibuses but, you can find a chronology and read them that way and some aren't in the omnibuses that you'll have to find online but you'll have to read from the start, (illustrated story...) to make sense of it all. Specially Newts Tale which talks about after Aliens, when Newt was in an asylum having nightmares, and Hicks came to saved her, and towards the end Ripley came back to go with them both back to LV-426 on a mission. Mind you Newt found a boyfriend who was a droid and they didn't know...
Later after the initial story of Newts Tale, they were renamed. Newt to Billie, Hicks to Wilks, and Bueller was Newts boyfriend whilst Ripley still remained Ripley. There's so much content that I don't want to spoil much because it's a lot and I have the feeling that's where Neil (Blomkamp) is heading with Alien 5. He is picking up from maybe one of the comics since tbh Riddley already did with Prometheus.
With the only change that at LV-223 when they landed with the Prometheus vessel, it was a different team comprised with the renamed Hicks and Newt, Billie and Wilks, and newts boyfriend saved the day while being cut in half by a queen (finding out then much to Newts dismay and Hicks' I told you so that he wasn't human) as Wilks loaded the rest of the survivors to the ship that was intercepted by an engineer (space jockey) that wanted to destroy earth.
So. Again, you'll have to read the comics to connect the dots.

Now if you are talking just Predators, well, they're still interconnected. Because in the tie in from Prometheus to Paradise, we have on Fire and Stone the presence of Predators as well who came to LV-223 and saved the remaining colonial marines that came to rescue or find out what happened with the Prometheus crew and there they find not just the accelerant (black goo) but a completely different planet than what Shaw and David left behind.
They found animals, like monkeys and tigers but different that has morphed from the accelerant itself and even a droid that became a living organism after finding the accelerant on his first trip being part of the colony that left LV-426 after Newts Parents found the derelict trying to survive and what broke out before Ripley and Hicks crew made it to LV-426. I can't give you an exact timeline for this is when it gets tricky with the entire timeline of the arc (being the movies) to the comics.
The first crew that arrived there, some survivors that made it stayed inside a mountain, (man, it's too long to summarize but trust me I'm trying!)
Then. The crew that was looking for the Prometheus vessel several years later, and they were (the survivors) partly rescued by Predators.
Again, you'll have to read the comics to get a better understanding.
But if you start reading the comics, start chronologically because the omnibuses are a shot in the dark and you will find yourself lost many times. Sorry if I cause much confusion and sorry I just now answer for I was never notified I had being quoted or there was a reply.

Btw, this is the screenshot you posted. That's from the illustrated story. As mentioned before, I've got all of the comics.

The story in Prometheus went full retard, and yet Ridley doesn't want contradictions?

Sir Ridley, you trollin'?
Actually he didn't go retard. For many that haven't read the comics, that's a way to understand it but those of us that have, can see with eyes wide shut that he took a lot of elements from the comics actually. Something that he already been brewing in our heads for several years already.
He is picking up bits and pieces from the comics if you know how to stitch one on one together. You'll just have to pay lots of attention from Newts tale and on. Specially the part where the engineer wants to destroy earth. He picked that from the comics. Which they have actually done the job easier for Sir Scott and Blomkamp actually.

Here's also a couple timelines to look at that ties all alien universe in. Movies, comics, games... This has almost everything you need to know. It's pretty good considering if you want to skip the comics, and you haven't played the games. This is the closest there is.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Alien Covenant (May 19, 2017)- fingers crossed I've not seen this story already. ;)

Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, members (Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup) of the colony ship Covenant discover what they think to be an uncharted paradise. While there, they meet David (Michael Fassbender), the synthetic survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition. The mysterious world soon turns dark and dangerous when a hostile alien life-form forces the crew into a deadly fight for survival.
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macrumors Core
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May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Alien Covenant Spoiler

Regarding Alien Covenant, I can't bring myself to see this in the theater. I found this article and I am so dissapointed! If I understand it, the greatest potential to move this franchise forward answering the huge questions asked by Prometheus, they snuff the Elizabeth Shaw story arc by killing her off screen?? Those Bastards. :oops:

For anyone who has seen Covenant, the question is, is Daniels (the new female lead), filled in by David as to what happened on LV-223 (the Prometheus planet). Is there any hope that the mystery about the relationship between Earth and the Engineers will be explored further? Or is this just another Alien survival movie with no real answers?

Look at the franchise. It can be easily argued that Prometheus is the first movie in the series that actually moves the series forward with some answers:
  • Alien: discovery, survival.
  • Aliens: human pushback, survival
  • Alien 3: God aweful waste of time.
  • Alien Ressurection: More Ripley, why?... Why??
  • Prometheus: Flawed, but engineer illumination, and intriguing reveal and questions about Earth's relationship with the Engineers.
For those who have seen it:
  • Alien Covenant: How would you describe it? Is the engineer aspect of the story pushed forward? Any significant answers? What are David's motivations?


Alien: Covenant and the Elizabeth Shaw Problem
It remains to be seen if Alien: Covenant defying this conventional wisdom will have any similar negative blowback, particularly since Prometheus is no Aliens. After a flawed movie that has as many detractors as it does devotees, there is a reason Scott and company felt compelled to rewrite their franchise’s Bible and make it about David and the xenomorph.
This has profoundly problematic implications. This movie's new female lead, Daniels (Katherine Waterston), is aghast to discover that David killed her (Elizabeth Shaw) and worse. And as the prequel series noticeably strains in its shift of focus from one heroine to another, it unintentionally admits the human (and female) characters matter not at all. This is really David’s series now. Whoever he’s tucking in (likely with bed bugs) is incidental. Fodder for his fantasies.

This video has huge spoilers in it. I only watched the first couple of minutes, but ehh, I'm going to stream this eventually.

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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
After watching Alien last night, although the term is not mentioned until the second movie Aliens, I was interested in who came up with the name xenomorph in the screenplay, if it existed prior to the movie. Some brief research seems to indicate the name was used in geology, but it was appropriated for use in the movie. Of interest it's not a specific, but a general vague classification using two words, xeno and morph, just as big hunt also from the second movie is a vague term which refers to all alien life, not the Earth categorization of bugs as we might be reminded of Starship Troopers.

The throwaway line in Aliens that spawned decades of confusion

The word itself is a Greek construct. It combines the prefix xeno, meaning "foreign" or "strange," with the suffix morph, which means a shape or form with the prefix’s supplied attributes. The word xenomorph in this context is a generic term for any "strange or foreign form"—any alien life form.

Also in the Alien Franchise Universe the rumors of a Neill Blomkamp Alien sequel one that ignores Aliens 3 & 4, appears to be dead.
I'm going to have to go back and watch Prometheus again before I see this new Alien movie. I don't remember much from it.
Have you seen it? If so...? :)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Answered from the Movie thread...

Alien: Covenant
Finally got through all the Alien films and ultimately Alien: Covenant; Not too bad at all. I can see to some extents where Ridley Scott is looking come full circle back to his 1979 masterpiece Alien which in all honesty I feel is still best taken as a standalone film. The mystery and unknowing of the Alien is exactly what drives the suspense, tension, fear and ultimately the horror & dread in the audience.

Alien: Covenant still enjoyed it, not quite as graphically impressive as Prometheus. Definitely a typical Ridley Scott film with tremendous attention to detail. Took a little to get into the characters, needs some open mindedness on the behalf of the audience. Covers a lot of ground at brisk pace. More in tune with the earlier Alien films, so less esoteric than Prometheus. Didn't find it to be a particularity frightening film, equally it does have it's moments, mostly the gore factor, however not over the top and done very well. For me Alien (1979) & Alien 3 (1992) remain still the standouts of the franchise, albeit Alien 3 marred by corporate interference.

Aliens (1986) being a very different animal, being an action focused film, very much lessoning the tension & fear as a direct result, still remains an excellent SciFi watch. Alien 3 we get back to the roots; isolation & fear, now set in the more dystopian setting of Fiorina Fury 161. Similar to the first film, really presents the feeling of dread. Thankfully the reconstructed version is so much better than the original theatrical cut. Fox should simply have left David Fincher to do what he does best. Alien: Resurrection, starting to spiral here, very different flavour nor living up to it's forerunners being rather average.

Prometheus again better suited as a standalone, equally presents a great deal of questions that some are still striving for answers of. Tying to loop the franchise back to the original 1979 epic, is likely to leave gaps or require the audience to accept levels of inconsistency. Alien from 1979 still remains the most terrifying, as on a psychological level your slowly drawn into the story and the ensuing crisis the crew must endure, nor do things happen as one would typically expect...

Mostly just ramblings :) as ever open to comments

I'll stream Covenant so maybe there is more there than I know based on reviews. Humans trying to survive xenomorph stories can only take me so far, although some horror franchises just don't want to die, like Friday the 13th. ;)

Prometheus was troubling to some purist fans (not sure what that represents) but it was like a Christmas package opened with both answers and questions, and I was intrigued. Our relationship to the Engineers was the big thing and Elizabeth Shaw jetting off to find the answers was the promise, but I guess was too much to hope for. :(


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2015
The Alien-Predator Universe are not that create compared to the stand alone Alien series and Predator series.

But still okay to buy and own if there nothing else to watch on TV. It just the Alien-Predator Universe are not that create compared to the stand alone Alien series and Predator series.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Mild Spoilers, they don't bother me because my expectations are low, but they might bother you. I've not seen it yet. I'd rather have seen what happens to Prometheus as a path forward, not hear about it's (I assume) failure, reverting to another alien survival story.

Now I might be wrong about this, but before I saw a clearly marked path, and now I don't. I guess the purists kind of got their wish?

Alien: Covenant Maybe The Biggest Dissapointment of The Summer

And while the characters might realize they made a mistake relatively quickly, the film is not quick in getting to that point. Alien: Covenant is criminally backloaded, with almost an hour going by before the crew lands on the planet and another half-hour or so after that before the thrills start to really kick in. In that long slog of exposition, you spend a lot of time with the new characters but still manage not to learn much about them.
What you do get is is a lot of explanation of what happened after Prometheus. What happened to the characters, where the ship went, all of that. You even start to think you’re going to get answers to the big “Why are we here?” questions from Prometheus too, which were by far the best part of that film. However, before any real answers can be revealed, Alien: Covenant almost maliciously removes any chance of that happening. The film includes such a brutal, clean dismissal of Prometheus’ potential it almost feels like Scott is apologizing to fans for that film.

Everything that follows pads the mythology about the title xenomorph, driven primarily by an oddly unmotivated and slightly confusing plot involving Michael Fassbender’s android character from the first film, David, and a second android on the Covenant, named Walter. Fassbender is great in both roles, but the character’s stories demystify everything that made those aliens so terrifying in the first place. So Alien: Covenant gets rid of everything good about Prometheusand takes all the mystery of Alien away. It basically makes both films worse.
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T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
I recently read the first 3 Alien Omnibus comic collections, and they were quite good IMHO. So I can recommend those, if you like the Alien universe, and want one good take on what happens later.


macrumors G4
Although I enjoyed Alien: Covenant, I have to agree that by demystifying the Xenomorph it basically kills everything that makes the first films so very good, with the fear of the unknown being extremely compelling. Personally if I want to enjoy the films i'll watch 1, 2 & 3 the rest I'll watch in isolation with Prometheus being the best of the worse. As said Alien: Covenant is more an action film set in a SciFi backdrop, certainly doesn't build any tension or fear, and very easily open for dissection.

To me Scott wanted to take aspects of the first and second films, yet fails to achieve a balance. Unlike Alien 3 which is highly polarising Alien: Covenant is simply middling, visually excellent as it the audio, however the storytelling is off. It's a good SciFi film just not one that connects well with the better Alien films. I also tire of the need to watch YT clips from Fox to fill in the gaps, also reeks of an extended digital release. Prometheus was indeed an interesting arc, which is now seemingly dead in the water, asking a lot of the deeper questions, like as not to be confined to cinematic history...


Mild Spoilers, they don't bother me because my expectations are low, but they might bother you. I've not seen it yet. I'd rather have seen what happens to Prometheus as a path forward, not here about it's (I assume) failure, reverting to another alien survival story.

Now I might be wrong about this, but before I saw a clearly marked path, and now I don't. I guess the purists kind of got their wish?

Alien: Covenant Maybe The Biggest Dissapointment of The Summer

And while the characters might realize they made a mistake relatively quickly, the film is not quick in getting to that point. Alien: Covenant is criminally backloaded, with almost an hour going by before the crew lands on the planet and another half-hour or so after that before the thrills start to really kick in. In that long slog of exposition, you spend a lot of time with the new characters but still manage not to learn much about them.
What you do get is is a lot of explanation of what happened after Prometheus. What happened to the characters, where the ship went, all of that. You even start to think you’re going to get answers to the big “Why are we here?” questions from Prometheus too, which were by far the best part of that film. However, before any real answers can be revealed, Alien: Covenant almost maliciously removes any chance of that happening. The film includes such a brutal, clean dismissal of Prometheus’ potential it almost feels like Scott is apologizing to fans for that film.

Everything that follows pads the mythology about the title xenomorph, driven primarily by an oddly unmotivated and slightly confusing plot involving Michael Fassbender’s android character from the first film, David, and a second android on the Covenant, named Walter. Fassbender is great in both roles, but the character’s stories demystify everything that made those aliens so terrifying in the first place. So Alien: Covenant gets rid of everything good about Prometheusand takes all the mystery of Alien away. It basically makes both films worse.
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macrumors Core
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May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Although I enjoyed Alien: Covenant, I have to agree that by demystifying the Xenomorph it basically kills everything that makes the first films so very good, with the fear of the unknown being extremely compelling. Personally if I want to enjoy the films i'll watch 1, 2 & 3 the rest I'll watch in isolation with Prometheus being the best of the worse. As said Alien: Covenant is more an action film set in a SciFi backdrop, certainly doesn't build any tension or fear, and very easily open for dissection.

To me Scott wanted to take aspects of the first and second films, yet fails to achieve a balance. Unlike Alien 3 which is highly polarising Alien: Covenant is simply middling, visually excellent as it the audio, however the storytelling is off. It's a good SciFi film just not one that connects well with the better Alien films. I also tire of the need to watch YT clips from Fox to fill in the gaps, also reeks of an extended digital release. Prometheus was indeed an interesting arc, which is now seemingly dead in the water, asking a lot of the deeper questions, like as not to be confined to cinematic history...

I guess the question is how many people fighting aliens films do we want to see? To make this work, the setting and circumstances have to be new and compelling, so it's possible that this movie qualifies on that basis, however this was also Allen 3 which I absolutely hated and Alien 4 was just milking the story and Ripley. :)

I acknowledge that Prometheus, was disliked by a core group of Aliens purists although I have a hard time defining a purist. ;) But Prometheus offered a huge new piece of the puzzle, aliens, our DNA relatives traveling around the universe seeding worlds, but who had also weaponized the same technology, and after being woken up, and meeting some humans, decides to go attack Earth, or maybe that was already decided, but WHY? All of this is huge for Alien cannon.

My impression which might be in error is that instead of taking the super highway, this movie takes a side road, but is there hope it could get back on the highway?

I'll try to shut up about this, until I actually see the movie, which will be streaming in August 2017. :)
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macrumors G4
The real magic with the first and second films is believability. Alien & Aliens very much draws the viewer in. Resultantly one really has a strong empathy with the characters, with the viewer becoming deeply invested. The newer films who cares as it's blatantly obvious the majority of characters are little more than "dog meat" like 1960's StarTrek the guy in the red red shirt alway gets it :)

Personally I like Alien 3, equally butchered by FOX, would love to have seen Flincher's arc fully developed, equally I can see why so many dislike the film with the demise of the Hicks & Nute. Me; Alien, Aliens 3, Aliens, Prometheus, the rest is watchable, equally I disconnect from them as a franchise.

Bottom line Alien: Covenant, is an easy watch, raises few questions, mass media pulp. Now watching the 79 Alien playing on the 21:9. Studios need to forget the GGI, the "jump scares" The slow burn, the intensity, focus on building the fear & dread is where it's at, not the cheap thrills


I guess the question is how many people fighting aliens films do we want to see? To make this work, the setting and circumstances have to be new and compelling, so it's possible that this movie qualifies on that basis, however this was also Allen 3 which I absolutely hated and Alien 4 was just milking the story and Ripley. :)

I acknowledge that Prometheus, was disliked by a core group of Aliens purists although I have a hard time defining a purist. ;) But Prometheus offered a huge new piece of the puzzle, aliens, our DNA relatives traveling around the universe seeding worlds, but who had also weaponized the same technology, and after being woken up, and meeting some humans, decides to go attack Earth, or maybe that was already decided, but WHY? All of this is huge for Alien cannon.

My impression which might be in error is that instead of taking the super highway, this movie takes a side road, but is there hope it could get back on the highway?

I'll try to shut up about this, until I actually see the movie, which will be streaming in August 2017. :)
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macrumors G4
Been revisiting Alien: Covenant, the film is growing on me as a standalone, remains to be beautifully shot. I still don't care for the demytefying of the Alien, guess I just compartmentalise the films 1 -3, then 4 being almost a comedy, Prometheus & Covenant are inexorably intertwined, with the former being the deeper more interesting arc.

I do feel Scott crumpled, Alien survival horror, better to go back to the grass roots and come up with a sold film based on Alien Isolation. Alien Covenant as has been discussed certainly doesn't build fear or tension to any extents. Thinking of the original masterpiece or Alien 3 next, after Covenant as the film tries to cover both the first and second films extensively, yet fall to pull off each's individual success.

Maybe Alien 3, I know it has it's faults, equally the reconstructed version interests, could have been so much more had Fox Exec's not been such idiots...

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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Alien: Covenant Spoliers

Alien Covenant (2017)-
Finally saw this travesty. The continuing problem with space travelers visiting alien planets and exposing themselves to unknown germs, spores, aliens, and murderous androids. Hated this movie. :(
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macrumors G4
Alien Covenant (2017)- Finally saw this travesty. The continuing problem with space travelers visiting alien planets and exposing themselves to unknown germs, spores, aliens, and murderous androids. Hated this movie. :(

Now you see, this is why I don't pull it apart, already too many holes, just enjoy the imagery. If you start thinking about it any enjoyment simply evaporates as you envisage the cast sailing in a sea of stupidly. Particularly liked the shotgun sequence in the lander, "what could possibly go wrong" :rolleyes: Favourite music, favourite drink and mute the film, gets a lot better :p

If Fox want so to do this type of Alien film, they could learn a lot from Alien Isolation, at least try to build tension and fear of the unknown not display everything as much as possible with captain obvious writing the script..

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