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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 20, 2012

Am Sr. Citizen now, very, and not very sharp with these kind of things, anymore.
Would be most grateful for any help.
Is this the "correct Forum for the following ?

Always "something,"
Have an iMac, and running Ventura. Desktop is a few years old.
Always worked fine.

This am, wow !

The background colors, the Folder and Text colors are all wrong.
Some items have the colors reversed for text and background.
Totally messed up. Happened while we all were sleeping, but pc was on.

I have been to most every color adjustment in Settings, etc., but nothing works.
I may have missed some, but, frankly, I think I tried all there are.

Also, My MS WORD and Excel won't work anymore.
Most of the other Apps do, but with colors all messed up and reversed.

Sees like a really major glitch.

Any idea what might have happened ?
Virus ?
HD glitch ?

Any way of getting everything back to the way it was ?

I see that I have Time Machine, which I guess I installed when I purchased the mac.
Would it help me get back ?
I also have CC Cloner.
Never looked at, or used, either.

Would be most apprciaive for any thoughts and/or suggestions.



macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
Check all of the options in System Settings > Accessibility > Display. I bet Invert colors is turned on.


macrumors 603
May 30, 2018
Time Machine has been a major tool most Mac users need to back up their computers since 2007 with leopard.

as far as Ventura, that update was released in October.

maybe the viewing option in "FINDER" is throwing you off as sometimes I experience that as well.
all I do I click on the second to the right folder view option atop the window as everything is listed, not is squares..

have we tried Sonoma? that OS is faster and similar to Ventura, just updated frequently..

I would start time machining your Mac now
since external drives will never get cheaper and better than now.

hope this helped!


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Y'know, it helps to tell us WHICH YEAR the iMac is.
How much RAM? How big is the internal drive?

You can't "revert" to an "earlier version" unless you have a backup.

I would recommend SuperDuper if you've never used a backup app before.
It's very easy to use and understand.
You'll need an external USB3 drive that is the same size as the internal drive.

Colors are "reversed"?
Seems to me there is a setting -somewhere- that gives the user the option to "invert colors".
Could you have hit that by mistake?
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