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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 22, 2006
Chandler, AZ
Hello all. Like the title says I'm trying to figure out why all of my photo's are locked. They are locked coming straight from the camera. I'm using a Nikon D610. I'm shooting in Raw and when I get back to my MBP and try to import the photo's to LR5 it gives me an error saying it can't read the files. So I checked them out in Preview and I can see them but at the top it says the filename of the photo and it says "locked" next to it. I've tried everything I can think of to resolve this and I can't figure it out. I've checked to make sure that the slider on the SD card isn't in the locked position and its not. I've reset all custom settings in the camera...nothing. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help in advance!
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Will finder let you copy some of them from the card to the desktop or other location? If not, the problem is not in LR.
I'm wondering if the images were "protected" in camera. This option prevents accidental deletion in camera and is detailed in your manual. I've never used it so I don't know what happens when the images are downloaded. Are they still protected...don't know.

I would check with the card in the camera. If protected, I believe it will indicate that images are "locked". In camera, they can easily be unlocked.
Will finder let you copy some of them from the card to the desktop or other location? If not, the problem is not in LR.

I think your right. I don't think the problem is LR. I just took a sample picture in my room and once again, when I put my SD card in my MBP and open the picture in Preview it shows "file number-Locked".


I'm wondering if the images were "protected" in camera. This option prevents accidental deletion in camera and is detailed in your manual. I've never used it so I don't know what happens when the images are downloaded. Are they still protected...don't know.

I would check with the card in the camera. If protected, I believe it will indicate that images are "locked". In camera, they can easily be unlocked.
Just checked. The file/picture is Unlocked. Its not being protected in any way in the camera itself.


What filesystem is the SD card running? And does Finder report the file as being locked?
I'm not sure what you mean by what filesystem, I'm using for the SD card? And yes, finder is reporting the file as locked.
Update: I went down to a local photography shop and had three different experienced guys help me. They have never encountered this problem before. One of the guys plugged my SD card into his Windows machine, which was also running LR5 5.4 and the import worked! We have no idea why its not working on my MBP. After about 45mins of doing everything we could think of we decided that I should totally delete LR5 and reinstall it. I did just that. Still a no go. I can't import any photographs NEF or JPEG into LR. I can import a photography into Photoshop CC though and it imports fine, no error messages or anything. I have no idea what is going on with LR. The only thing that I can think of is that it has something to do with the new update they just released, which is 5.4 coming from 5.3. Anyone else having this problem?
No problem with 5.4 on OS10.9.2 using Canon or Olympus raw files.
Yea, I don't know what the problem could be. I'm getting very annoyed, I've been working on this for the better half of the day. I'm thinking about contacting Adobe support to see if they can give me any insight.
Yea, I don't know what the problem could be. I'm getting very annoyed, I've been working on this for the better half of the day. I'm thinking about contacting Adobe support to see if they can give me any insight.

Sounds like the way I would go. Have you tried different cards and formatted them in camera first?
which version of LR?

IIRC, Lightroom couldn't handle NEF files from the D610 until version 5.3. Are you sure your LR really is 5.4? Does the "About..." say so? Could it be an earlier version somehow?

Also, can you drag copy the files off the card onto the drive in your MBP first and import from there?

You mention that they are marked "locked" by the Finder (presumably, in your Get Info window?) Is that true even when you drag one onto the hard drive (SSD)? What if you click the checkbox and unlock it?

Also, do you have some other app automatically opening in the background when you insert your SD card into your MBP? If PhotoShop, for example, automatically opens when you insert the card, maybe PS has told the OS that those files are "in use" and no other app can open them unless PhotoShop releases them. (If not PhotoShop, then iPhoto, or something else? Any other apps running?)

Also, my D610 NEF files are always opened by Preview as "locked", which makes them read-only. They aren't locked in the Finder, so it's not a file permissions lock. I've always assumed that Preview, like LR, simply isn't willing to risk writing to an undocumented, proprietary D610-style NEF file for fear of accidentally corrupting it. Probably a wise move by Apple.

Just in case it helps....
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Sounds like the way I would go. Have you tried different cards and formatted them in camera first?
Yea, I've tried two different San Disk SD cards. They are fine, I've tried them in two other computers and the pictures that I take that LR can't import on my MBP WILL import on another computer. I've formatted both SD cards in my D610, still doesn't work. I went to Adobe's discussion boards and there are a couple threads that have been started saying that they are having the same problem as me. So I'm narrowing this down to a software problem with the newest update on LR 5.4. But it seems to only be affecting some users. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but I can import pictures in Aperture 3 and in Photoshop CC. Just not LR...I also tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling LR and it didn't fix the problem. However, I'm not sure that I deleted all of the LR files/settings on my MBP when I uninstalled LR.


IIRC, Lightroom couldn't handle NEF files from the D610 until version 5.3. Are you sure your LR really is 5.4? Does the "About..." say so? Could it be an earlier version somehow?

Also, can you drag copy the files off the card onto the drive in your MBP first and import from there?

You mention that they are marked "locked" by the Finder (presumably, in your Get Info window?) Is that true even when you drag one onto the hard drive (SSD)? What if you click the checkbox and unlock it?

Also, do you have some other app automatically opening in the background when you insert your SD card into your MBP? If PhotoShop, for example, automatically opens when you insert the card, maybe PS has told the OS that those files are "in use" and no other app can open them unless PhotoShop releases them. (If not PhotoShop, then iPhoto, or something else? Any other apps running?)

Also, my D610 NEF files are always opened by Preview as "locked", which makes them read-only. They aren't locked in the Finder, so it's not a file permissions lock. I've always assumed that Preview, like LR, simply isn't willing to risk writing to an undocumented, proprietary D610-style NEF file for fear of accidentally corrupting it. Probably a wise move by Apple.

Just in case it helps....

I'm positive that I'm running LR 5.4 and I just double checked in the About section. I haven't tried the other things you said but I will. Something interesting that you said is about another program opening up...Dropbox automatically opens and asks me if I want to sync all my photo's with Dropbox. Could that be affecting the import into LR? I always choose(on Dropbox) "never for this device" when it asks me to sync my photo's but it still asks me to every time I insert my SD card into my MBP. I'll give some of the other things you suggested a try and report back.
After playing around some more I am starting to wonder if my problem is that I can't save/import my pictures to the destination that Lightroom set. I plugged in an external hard drive and created a LR catalog on it and I can import/save/edit my pictures fine, I just have to have that external drive connected to my MBP for lightroom to open and see the pictures. If this is the case how do I edit the destination for imports for lightroom?
After playing around some more I am starting to wonder if my problem is that I can't save/import my pictures to the destination that Lightroom set.

What are the permissions on the destination LR is trying to use?

Go the folder and do "get info" and look at the permissions at the bottom.

You can modify there after unlocking the padlock by authenticating.

I have occasionally had something similar which was resolved like this....don't know why it happened.

You could Repair Permissions with Disk Utility, but that does not repair the home directory permissions which is done a different way.


Will finder let you copy some of them from the card to the desktop or other location?

OP, what was the answer to this?
What are the permissions on the destination LR is trying to use?

Go the folder and do "get info" and look at the permissions at the bottom.

You can modify there after unlocking the padlock by authenticating.

I have occasionally had something similar which was resolved like this....don't know why it happened.

You could Repair Permissions with Disk Utility, but that does not repair the home directory permissions which is done a different way.


OP, what was the answer to this?

I can copy pictures from the SD card to the desktop. Below are some screen shots I took of the "get info" on the LR folder's

I just want to thank you all again for your help!
I wonder if something like this might help:

I used an earlier version several years ago when lots of files and even folders on my machine seemed have the wrong permissions -- and I wasn't able to figure out how to use Get Info to fix them, and Repair Permissions didn't help at all. But BatChmod worked.

Of course I may be misunderstanding your issue.
PilotKid, according to your last screenshot, you have a folder called "Lightroom" in your "Pictures" folder. This is probably the folder Mike Boreham is asking about. (I have to say probably, because I'm not a Lightroom user, so I'm not sure if the default is to put the catalog and imported images in the same folder or different ones.) If you go into your Pictures folder, find that Lightroom folder, highlight it, and type cmd-i (or "Get Info" from the Finder's File menu), down at the bottom, you'll see who has permission to read from and/or write to the Lightroom folder. If you DON'T have permission, that could be your problem (which can be fixed).
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Those look OK to me, but what about the folder where the originals/masters are? What are permissions on that?

You said you could manually drag masters from the SD card to the Desktop, but can you manually drag masters from the SD card to the folder where LR is expecting to import them to?

Although I doubt it would solve anything I would do Repair Permissions from Disk Utility in your situation.

At this point I would not do anything with Batchmod. I know what the other poster means about not being able to change perms with Get Info in the past (when Batchmod would), but Get Info has improved a lot in my experience.

More scope for doing damage with Batchmod. Tread carefully changing permissions!

EDIT I am still not sure I have the correct picture yet. When you said earlier that Preview says they are locked, is that with the files still on the card, or are they in the MBP by then? Are your master photo files already downloaded but LR can't read them, or are they still on the card?

Either way a "get info" on an actual master (on the card or on the computer) would be useful. The top section "General" of the get info window has a box showing whether the file is locked or not.....what does yours say?
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Those look OK to me, but what about the folder where the originals/masters are? What are permissions on that?

You said you could manually drag masters from the SD card to the Desktop, but can you manually drag masters from the SD card to the folder where LR is expecting to import them to?

Although I doubt it would solve anything I would do Repair Permissions from Disk Utility in your situation.

At this point I would not do anything with Batchmod. I know what the other poster means about not being able to change perms with Get Info in the past (when Batchmod would), but Get Info has improved a lot in my experience.

More scope for doing damage with Batchmod. Tread carefully changing permissions!

EDIT I am still not sure I have the correct picture yet. When you said earlier that Preview says they are locked, is that with the files still on the card, or are they in the MBP by then? Are your master photo files already downloaded but LR can't read them, or are they still on the card?

Either way a "get info" on an actual master (on the card or on the computer) would be useful. The top section "General" of the get info window has a box showing whether the file is locked or not.....what does yours say?

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you...Preview says they are locked both when the pictures are on the card and when they are on the desktop. This part gets a little tricky...If I import a locked file(according to preview) on to the desktop and then drag that picture to Aperture 3 and then export the photo from Aperture as a TIFF, I can then open the photo in LR.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you...Preview says they are locked both when the pictures are on the card and when they are on the desktop. This part gets a little tricky...If I import a locked file(according to preview) on to the desktop and then drag that picture to Aperture 3 and then export the photo from Aperture as a TIFF, I can then open the photo in LR. the little "Locked" box in "Get Info" general section is checked? Is that correct?

If the Finder Get Info box says they are locked the problem is not to do with Permissions e.g. this article

Can you uncheck the Locked box in "Get Info"?

That link has a way of unlocking via Terminal, but question is why it is happening of course?

Although it is now looking like a Locked file issue not a Permissions issue, it is odd that some apps (Aperture Photoshop) can handle them but LR can't. That sounds more like a permissions issue...did you try repairing permissions from Disk Utility?
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Re-reading thread I have a few fresh questions:-

1. Has this situation just occurred with a new camera, or new SD card, or new SD card reader or new computer? Expressed the other way round, was everything working fine with all the same hardware, and then one day this problem cropped up out of the blue ?

2. I can't see whether you have tried to repeat everything with a completely different SD card. You said in your post #12 that you had tried two different SD cards: "Yea, I've tried two different San Disk SD cards. They are fine, I've tried them in two other computers and the pictures that I take that LR can't import on my MBP WILL import on another computer. I've formatted both SD cards in my D610, still doesn't work"
Is that saying the other two cards were fine on another computer but not this computer? Is that right? Have three different cards have identical behaviour in the D610 on this computer?

The key in this kind of problem is to change one thing at at time and eliminate the components.

3. I see that you said LR could successfully import (using "in their present location" I assume) when you manually put the files on an external drive, but LR cannot not import the files from the SD card to the default location. I asked what the permissions were on that default location, and can't see that you have answered that. I know it is looking more like a locking issue but the story is not consistent so not abandoning permissions.
Re-reading thread I have a few fresh questions:-

1. Has this situation just occurred with a new camera, or new SD card, or new SD card reader or new computer? Expressed the other way round, was everything working fine with all the same hardware, and then one day this problem cropped up out of the blue ?

2. I can't see whether you have tried to repeat everything with a completely different SD card. You said in your post #12 that you had tried two different SD cards: "Yea, I've tried two different San Disk SD cards. They are fine, I've tried them in two other computers and the pictures that I take that LR can't import on my MBP WILL import on another computer. I've formatted both SD cards in my D610, still doesn't work"
Is that saying the other two cards were fine on another computer but not this computer? Is that right? Have three different cards have identical behaviour in the D610 on this computer?

The key in this kind of problem is to change one thing at at time and eliminate the components.

3. I see that you said LR could successfully import (using "in their present location" I assume) when you manually put the files on an external drive, but LR cannot not import the files from the SD card to the default location. I asked what the permissions were on that default location, and can't see that you have answered that. I know it is looking more like a locking issue but the story is not consistent so not abandoning permissions.

1. Yes, the problem just occurred out of the blue. Same MBP, same D610, same SD cards. The ONLY thing that changed was I updated Lightroom 5 from 5.3 to 5.4 when they came out with a new update.

2. I've tried importing photo's to LR with two different San Disk Extreme SD cards and LR won't import from either of them. However, I can upload the same photo's, on the same version of LR(LR 5.4) to another computer that happens to be a Windows computer. I have formatted both SD cards in my D610.

3. I'm confused by this question, I don't know much about permissions. However, I did go to Disk Utility through my Mac and repaired the permissions. Still nothing.


I'm starting to wonder if its a bug with LR 5.4 since that is the ONLY thing that has changed. Like I said, same camera(Nikon D610), same MBP(Mid-2013), same SD cards(San Disk Extreme Pro, 32GB).
I've gone to the forums on Adobe's website and have found a few posts about an issue with LR 5.4 not letting them import photo's now, so I'm really starting to wonder. It just sucks, I really like LR and I have to fall back to Aperture 3(which isn't a bad program but not my favorite) to edit my photos.
I am currently doing a fresh install of OSX. If this doesn't fix the issue its clear that it is a Lightroom issue...
How about reinstalling LR 5.3? Download here

I can't help feeling that if it was a Lightroom issue there would be a lot of other people reporting it. I can't find anyone else with Google.
3. I'm confused by this question, I don't know much about permissions. However, I did go to Disk Utility through my Mac and repaired the permissions. Still nothing

Your import dialogue in Lightroom has a folder specified where the originals are to be located, under the "destination" drop down on the right hand side. If you use Finder to go to the folder you have chosen and do "get info" what are the permissions? But as I said, locking is not same as wrong permissions so I am not too hopeful that is the answer, but then since everything else is failing you have to try everything. Repairing permissions would not have addressed this.
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